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October 11, 20XX (Evening)

Mitsuru Kirijo enjoyed her nightly cup of tea as she heard the front door open. "You're home late (Y-" the cup and saucer in Mitsuru's hands broke a moment later as they impacted the floor, the tea spilling and staining the clean floor.

"Hey..." (Y/n) managed, his somewhat inured state wasn't what caught Mitsuru's attention. "Y-Your hair..." Mitsuru choked out, (Y/n) nodded. He was fully aware of what he looked like currently, he was injured sure but the fact that his hair was now completely blue was cause for concern.

Mitsuru only managed to cover her mouth, she was at a loss for words. "I know...that I must look know." (Y/n) slowly walked up to her, Mitsuru's eyes were locked on his. (Y/n) slowly grabbed ahold of her. "Let's just sit down, okay mom?"

Mitsuru nodded, as (Y/n) led her to the couch and took a seat next to her. (Y/n) sighed.

I'll explain everything the best I can...


As (Y/n) explained his afternoon activities with Joker, Mitsuru had managed to compose herself and tried to tend to the injuries the Dia spells hadn't fully healed. She always wondered why Dia spells worked that way, through her experience she would liken Dia spells to quick regeneration, but the stronger spells like Salvation were more akin to rewinding time.

"Hey you listening?" (Y/n) asked, Mitsuru nodded her head. "So like I was saying, after Joker and I got our asses handed to us on a silver platter. Mona just barely managed to save us with a Salvation." A pause. "Then...I went berserk."

"What do you mean?" Mitsuru asked.

"I mean, Thanatos let loose and ripped Arcana Fortune to shreds." (Y/n) swore he could still hear the tearing of metal in his ears, he didn't know what it was. Perhaps that was the closest thing the Shadow could do in terms of a scream? He shook his head. "That's about it."

Mitsuru and (Y/n) fell in an awkward silence, (Y/n) could hear himself breathe while Mitsuru continued to work on his injuries. "How's it look?" (Y/n) asked referring to his back. "It's...ugly, but nothing you're not used to." Mitsuru replied, she dabbed the medicine on his wounds. Her eyes tracing down the length of (Y/n)'s back, where all the different patches of skin contrasted against his back.

How could she had not realized what he was going through? When she herself when through a similar ordeal? Her hand met the center of his back, Mitsuru hung her head. "I'm sorry..."

(Y/n) wasn't sure why she was apologizing, he wanted to ask but he knew better than to speak out of turn. Especially when Mitsuru was like this. "I'm sorry I can't do more to help." Tears were running down her face, she was showing her vulnerabilities something she would never do. "I'm sorry I failed you...I-"

(Y/n) did not let her continue, his arms were around her almost immediately. "You've done many things to me, but fail me is not one of them." (Y/n) said sternly, his hold on her tightened. "I love you mom..."

Mitsuru did not stop herself any longer, and began to sob into the male's shoulder. "I promise I will find out what is happening to you." (Y/n) smiled, and held her closer. "I know..."

Thanks mom...


October 15, 20XX

Makoto Niijima was once again alone in the afternoon, (Y/n) was called home immediately at Mitsuru's request so he had no choice but to oblige. The other Phantom Thieves were off doing something who knows what.

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now