Hermit and Priestess

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September 22, 20XX

Arcana Hermit let out a shriek as it noticed the team of Persona users, as sparks of electricity began to rise from the surrounding area. The Phantom Thieves were trapped. "Looks like it sees us." Skull said.

"Looks like it." (Y/n) replied, his Evoker was beside his temple not a moment later. "Let's end this already."

The bang of (Y/n) and Mitsuru's Evokers sounded off as Orpheus and Artemisia flew to face the Shadow which had materialized its body along the side of the Tokyo Skytree.

"Oracle, what do you see?" (Y/n) asked, the redhead tapped away at her holographic screens desperately trying to find information to weaponize against the Shadow. "You're doing damage to it, but doesn't seem like it cares." Mitsuru grew agitated. "Then we'll make it care."

Artemisia attacked the creature coupling her ice attacks with Orpheus' fire. "Let's give them a hand." Joker instructed. The masks came off immediately as Captain Kidd, Carmem, Goemon, Zorro, Necronomicon, and Milady materialized.

Joker opted to summon Odin, and charged forward with the rest of the Phantom Thieves save for Queen. Johanna unfortunately did not posses the ability to fly like the other Personas, Milady though capable of it opted to use her affinity for gun attacks to serve as a back up.

Arcana Hermit shrieked as it fired a bolt of lightning at Orpheus, the Persona vanished soon after. It's user falling to his knees, grinding his teeth in pain as he felt his mind assaulted by a phantom pain.

"Can you stand?" Mitsuru asked, (Y/n) managed a nod as he got to his feet. "We're not getting anywhere with this thing."

"Then perhaps a different approach is needed." Mitsuru commented. (Y/n) turned to her. "What did you have in mind?" She yelled a command at Artemisia, and turned back to the male. "We don't necessarily need to defeat it, all we need to do is close up the rift."

(Y/n) got to his feet. "I get the idea, but beating the Shadow is the fastest way to close the rift."

"Then figure out a way (Y/n)." Mitsuru commanded, Goemon and Zorro fell beside them and vanished soon after. "We won't last in a war of attrition." (Y/n) looked forward, his eyes traced the length of the Skytree. A realization hit him soon after.

"Clever bastard." (Y/n) smirked.

"I'm glad to see you're still capable of emotion, but tell me what you see." Mitsuru snapped. (Y/n) straightened himself out, and brandished his sword. "The damn thing's hidden it's real body. What we're seeing now is the electric grid of the Skytree that it's managed to possess."

Mitsuru understood, and evoked Artemisia once more. "I see, then I'll leave it to you."

"Don't you always?" (Y/n) remarked as he rushed towards the entrance of the Skytree. "Keep it busy till then!" Arcana Hermit let out a shriek as it launched bolts of lightning at the male. Before he could even summon a Persona, Captain Kidd and Odin had intercepted the blast and shielded him.

"Do what you need to do!" Skull said, flashing a thumbs up. Joker was beside him, and nodded as he commanded Odin to intercept the Shadow.

A roar of an engine made itself known to (Y/n), Queen on Johanna had stopped beside the male. "Get on." (Y/n) was apprehensive for a moment. "Joker, I'm taking Queen with me!"

(Y/n) jumped atop Johanna, and held on as they raced into the Skytree. Stairs did not seem to be a hinderance for Johanna, as they quickly ascended several flights of stairs. (Y/n) tapped Makoto on the shoulder, signaling them to stop.

Masks: A Persona 5 Makoto x Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now