She's Back!

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AN: Guess who's back bitches? That's right! Hail to the Queen! Now let's get this party started!


Cerise Laboratory, Vermillion City, Kanto 7:00 AM Local Time

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Goh yawned as he turned off the alarm. He rubbed his eyes groggily and rose out of bed, getting ready for another eventful (or not) day. After getting dressed, Goh went to wake up his partner Ash but when he climbed up the bunk, Ash was nowhere to be found. Goh pressed his hands against the bedsheets and pillow. Cold. Ash has been gone for a while now. The researcher scrambled down the stairs and ran into the kitchen, where he found a piece of paper taped to the table. Curioused, Goh picked it up. The paper reads:

"Don't you worry, I'll be back.

-Signed, Ash S. Ketchum"

5 hours ago...

Ash opened his eyes and checked his watch. The time reads "2:00 AM". Perfect. That's plenty of time. Ash quietly got dressed and brushed his teeth, before packing his bag. Among other things, he packed his phone, pokeballs, some snacks, water, and a plane ticket. Ash picked up the still snoozing Pikachu and went down the stairs to the kitchen, where he snatched a piece of bread and headed out the door, into the dark city streets. He shivered slightly, before making his way towards a nearby bus stop.

Back to the present...

Ash wiggled himself into the plane seat, while Pikachu curled up on the meal tray. This flight shouldn't take too long, a perfect opportunity to catch some sleep. In fact, Pikachu has already fallen asleep. Ash closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. It's been a while since he's been in Hoenn, and even longer since he sall her. It only striked upon his attention when he moved back to Kanto (and therefore had better internet access) did Ash want to pay her a long awaited exit. Unfortunately, his research job took up a lot of his time. So now Ash decided to dip out and take a well deserved break. Hopefully the note he left will alleviate any panic. Hopefully.


Meanwhile in the Cerise Laboratory, everyone is in panic! Ash was gone, and no one knows where he went! Of course it didn't help that Goh has yet to talk about the note.

"Agh! Ash is gone!" The professor cried. "Search everywhere!"

"Did he get kidnapped?" asked Ren, as he checked in the bathrooms. Chrysa yelled from the living room "Don't be crazy! There's no way someone like Ash would let himself be kidnapped!"

Chloe ran to Goh, panting heavily. "H-hey, Goh? You know where Ash went? After all, the two of you bunk together."

Goh thought for a few seconds, tapping his temple. Suddenly, an imaginary light bulb appeared above his head. "Oh right!" he said, pointing an index finger in the air, "He left a note on the table! It reads 'Don't you worry, I'll be back. Signed, Ash S. Ketchum'"

Suddenly, everyone stopped searching, and started glaring at Goh.

"Wait, you're telling us he left us a note and you didn't say anything about it?!" They all yelled in unison.

Goh started shaking. "S-should I run?" He whispered to Chloe.

"Yes." she whispered back, "I'll give you a 10 second head start. You better run fast, or I'll beat you to death myself."

Lilycove International Airport, Hoenn 5:30 PM Local Time

Ash (with Pikachu on his shoulder) left the airport and found himself on the bustling streets of Lilycove. He quickly moved to a more private place, before making a call. He dialed a number into his Rotom phone, and waited. Shortly after, a voice came up on the other end.

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