Welcome to Pasio!

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AN: I'm back! Yay! Writer's block been a killer. (Also happy late Fourth of July for us Americans out there) (Also new pfp!) What I say next is very important so listen up!

If you are reading this AFTER Ash is brought into Masters in full, DO NOT leave comments saying I was wrong and whatnot, as this was written before he arrived. I will not tolerate any comments of people trying to be smartasses and boost their ego. If you are this kind of person, go outside and get some fresh air for the first time in two fucking weeks. Well now without further ado, enjoy this one-shot.


Ash Ketchum walked down the quiet streets of Vermillion City, early in the morning. There's not many people around, leaving just Ash and his faithful Pikachu walking besides him. The sun has just begun to rise, casting a golden light upon the city.

"Now this is nice, isn't it, Pikachu?" Ash asked his partner, "Just the two of us taking a peaceful morning stroll. We should do this more often!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu agreed.

After a couple minutes of walking, both of them heard a low grumbling sound. Pikachu jerks up, looking around for a sign of danger.

"Oh sorry, that was me Pikachu! I'm just hungry, heheh." Ash said, rubbing the back of his head. Pikachu shook his head. Classic Ash.

The two of them decided to look for somewhere to get food, and eventually found a nearby cafe. But before Ash can reach it, a portal like hole opened up in the ground, swallowing both trainer and Pokemon!

"AAAAAAHHH/PIKA!!!" Ash and Pikachu both screamed as they fell in. The portal then closed as suddenly as it opened, leaving the place looking completely undisturbed.

Somewhere else in the world...

Calm waves rolled onto a sandy beach under a bright, cloudless sky. Trees and plants swayed gently in the wind while people and Pokemon are scattered about, enjoying the fine weather. Suddenly, a portal opened up in the air, dropping Ash onto the sand, and Pikachu following shortly after.

"Aaaa- oof!" Ash landed on his back, and Pikachu dropped down onto his chest. "Hey Pikachu? Can you get off me?"

"Pika..." Pikachu apologized and jumped off his trainer. Ash stood up, rubbing his back, and looked around the area. 

"Hmm, I know only one place with beaches like this. And thats- ow my back... And that would be Alola! Let's try and find Kukui's house. Actually, I think Mallow's restaurant might be open, let's go!" Ash raced down the beach, with Pikachu following behind.

A mile or two later with no familiar place in sight, Ash is starting to feel exhausted.

"Ugh, I'm so hungry Pikachu..."


"I think we might be lost." Ash finally admitted.

Meanwhile, two trainers are strolling down the beach. A red haired girl named Tina, and a black haired boy in teal clothing named Scottie.

"And so like I was saying," Scottie told Tina, "Paulo has to ease up on himself a little bit you know? Everyone's telling him that. For crying out loud we're on an artificial tropical paradise, so have some fun."

"Yeah I agree." Tina said "He's clearly stressing himself out trying to train and get stronger."

"Mhm." Scottie agreed. "And now he ran off to some faraway corner of the island to get stronger. God I think some of the champions are rubbing off him."

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