Start of a New Collection (Crossover)

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AN: SentaiRed, I blame you for this. I hope you enjoy. This is merely an experiment to see how a crossover would be received.


Somewhere in Galar...

A man wakes up in a forest in the outskirts of Wyndon. He had loosely combed back blonde hair, and a crisp suit, an appearance not befitting someone who's passed out on the forest floor. A Rookidee flew down from its perch and landed on the man's forehead, and delivers a peck right onto his nose jarring him awake. This instantly stirred the man awake, who sat up jarringly as the Flying type Pokemon flew away. The first question on his mind was: "Where am I?"

He stood up and dusted himself off and observed his surroundings. It was quite obvious he's in a forest of some sort, and it's still daytime based on the amount of sunlight sneaking through the canopy coverage. Like anyone ordinary citizens, he patted his pockets, and to his surprise, his wallet was there. Opening it up, he found to his surprise, his money has been change to a currency he doesn't recognize. 'No, worry about this later. The first thing I need to know is here in the world am I?'

The man sat down and recollected his memories, how he could've possible ended up in this rather mysterious situation. Then, it hit him. Becoming a ghost, ending up in that alley. Meeting that girl, and then being dragged away by those... things. Their cold, deathly touch and relentless, iron like grip. The sheer thought of that made him feel like he could get a heart attack. He shoved those thoughts aside. 'At least I'm not a ghost, judging by the fact I'm still corporeal.' he thought, trying to give himself something to help calm down. But enough thought. Firstly, he decided, he needs to get back to civilization. After a little bit of wonder, the man found himself out of the forest and notices a trail, likely leading to civilization. He follows the trail and found himself in the middle of a bustling city.

"Looks like luck has worked in my favor once again!"

As the man walked around the city, he noticed that quite a few individuals are walking with creatures that looked like they came straight out of a child's imagination or some wild fantasy story. In fact, they look exactly like those creatures in that new Pokemon anime the kids are so obsessed with back in Japan. 'Perhaps I have somehow been reincarnated into a fantasy world?' The man's mind went into overdrive thinking about what it means. 'Wait, if I'm in a whole new world, that means... YES! Those disturbances must be gone, I can finally resume the quiet life of my dreams! Hahahahaha!' the man grinned to himself wildly, before noticing some people glancing in his direction. 'Right, I must remember about not attracting too much attention to myself. Must not make the same mistakes twice.'

He quickly went to a stranger and asked a few questions. "Excuse me sir! I'm new around here, can you please tell me where I can get some help with directions and other information?"

The stranger replied "Oh yeah, just head right down the street to the Pokemon Center, I'm sure they'd be happy to help you out." pointing down the street.

The man thanked him and jogged down the street, stopping in front of a building that appears to be a clinic of some kind, and went through the automatic doors and sure enough, found himself in a lobby identical to one found in hospitals and other medical departments. He went up to the front desk, where he is greeted by a pink haired woman dressed in a nurse's outfit, with an equally pink creature next to her, likely an assistant.

"Ah welcome sir! I'm Nurse Joy, how can I be of assistance?" she inquired.

The man felt his urges appear, but he suppressed them for sake of greater priorities. "Right, yes m'am. I'm a little lost, so can you inform me where I am?"

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