The Primordial Predator

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AN: Wow, this one shot took a lot longer to come out than I was comfortable with. Personal life, procrastination, length, writer's block, and most importantly, ambition are all sorta responsible for that.

How ambitious? This is my first story to not only feature the Pokemon Horizons cast as the main characters, not only feature an original Pokemon, but is, to my memory, one of the only 3 times I have ever written a Pokemon battle in my career of writing for this fandom. This one shot was mainly an experiment to see not only how well I can write Pokemon battles, but work with characters I have never used before! How exciting!

Well, I have wasted enough of your time. Without further ado, I proudly present to you one of my longest stories yet, The Primordial Predator!


Paldea Region

It is the dead of the night. A full moon casts a dim glow onto the cool, forest floor. The only sounds audible is the rustling of foliage disturb by the light breeze, and the occasional sounds of nocturnal Pokemon moving silently about.

The peace would be disturbed as a lone Houndoom walks out of the bushes, its muzzle against the grass. It has picked up an unfamiliar scent  in its hunting grounds, and it hates intruders. The darkness makes it difficult to see, so the fire-type relies on its other senses to get around. Normally, at this time Houndoom would have been back at its den, sleeping the night away until daylight arrives. However, the presence of a possible rival in its hunting grounds is a transgression that cannot go ignored.

After a couple minutes, the Houndoom tracks the scent to a relatively large, Pokemon-made structure on the ground. Branches and sticks of all sizes are mashed together with bushes and grass, while a ring of rocks surround it in a roughly circular shape. A nest. 

Intrigued, the Dark Pokemon cautiously approaches the nest, and to its surprise, in it lays a pair of purple and black eggs, each roughly the size of a jackfruit. The Houndoom never knew eggs can get that large! That surprise soon turn to glee as the predator's stomach rumbled. It hasn't eaten during throughout the day, and no predator worth their claws will pass up a free meal. Just one egg can sustain it for a few days, and if it can get the other one back to its den, Houndoom won't have to hunt for the remainder of the week.

Lost in gleeful thought, the Houndoom failed to notice the approach of a newcomer right behind it. The newcomer snarls, making the Houndoom's whole body vibrate. The annoyed Dark Pokemon turned around and barred its teeth, angry at being disturbed from its thoughts. The anger turned into fear however, as it found itself facing the largest creature it has ever seen. Its scent matches with the intruder it has been searching for all day. The creature is barely visible in the darkness, with its black and purple skin blending in quite well. Its jaws are filled with massive, Krookodile-like teeth, glistening in the moonlight. A pair of arms armed with claws on each digit the same length as Houndoom's horns, and even thicker are reared back and ready to strike. Finally, a pair of red  eyes glowed dimly, filled with hate.

Before Houndoom can even yelp, it is snatched up by the intruder, who now holds the hapless fire-type between its teeth. The Houndoom kicked and struggled, even letting out a few blasts of flames to try and fight off the attacker. The intruder however, only seems to get even angrier. Its jaws clamped down, and is followed by the sickening crunch of bones snapping and organs being squashed. The Houndoom goes limp, and the forest is quite once again. The intruder then devours the now dead Pokemon, and grunts in disgust.

It looks down and carefully examine the next, clearly its own, and let out a snort of relief. It had arrived just in time. The massive Pokemon looks around, making sure no one else tries anything funny. Just recently had it broken out of that wretched  human prison, hoping to find a safe place to raise its young. However, not even a few days upon settling here had some upstart tried raiding its nest.

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