Generic Betrayal Story: Meet the Cast

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AN: This segment is essentially just me pointing out a bunch of character tropes betrayal stories. Now don't get me wrong, like any story it is very much possible to make it good and worth putting in my Reading List. Just that 90% them are not that good. I am not targeting any fic in particular, so if you feel called out, well that's just coincidence. If you get mad at me, well that's tough. Get mad, but don't let everyone know, they don't need to know, nobody's interested. With that out of the way, let's meet the cast!


Director walked down the streets of Pokemon Hollywood, heading towards the appropriate studio. He has been called to direct a Pokemon fic film called "Ash Betrayed" or something like that. No big deal, just go in, do your best, and maybe he'll get invited to direct another film. Director stops in front of a large building and checks the sign with a piece of paper in his hands. 

Yep, that's the one. Betrayal Studios. He took a deep breathe and entered the building.

Greeting Director was a sight he has stumbled upon more times than he can count in his career. Film crew walking about, setting up lights, cameras, props, and green screens. Actors are also milling about the area, some of them relaxing and mingling with the others, some practicing their scenes and lines, and others applying their costumes and makeup.

"Hello everyone! Good morning!" Director announced and waved, greeting everyone within earshot. Most people in the area looked at his direction, some of them waving back before going back to work. Director then saw an actor with spiky, raven black hair and an athletic build walking up to him and offering a handshake.

"Good to see you director!" the actor said.

"Pleasure's all mine. I assume you are playing Ash Ketchum in this story, yeah? Tell me a bit about your role!" Director replied.

"Well, of course as you can tell, I'm Ash Ketchum, the hero of this story. To sum up, I have been accused of committing a terrible crime yet am completely innocent, or I have lost one too many Pokemon leagues. One way or the other, I would return home where all of my old traveling companions will have gathered, telling me to give up on my dreams because I am weak, despite there being zero chance of this actually happening in the anime."

"Anything else?"

"Oh right! I will then depart towards some isolated mountain or island where I will train rigorously for a few years and come back super buff, overpowered, and edgy looking. Chances are I also have at least one legendary or mythical Pokemon with me, which I will suddenly reveal, shocking everyone!"

"Ah!" Director said, "And let me guess, you will adopt a very edgy or mysterious name like Ghost or Shadow, and none of your friends will recognize you, despite Pikachu being on your shoulders, and you having the exact same Pokemon and battling style as before!"

Ash chuckled. "Yep, now you're getting it. Yet deep down inside, there will still be that nice and noble boy that the viewers will be used to from the original anime!"

"Hey guys!"

The two turned around to see a short, female actress (likely playing a little girl) running towards them, only to nearly trip on a wire. She regains her balance and stood next to Ash.

"Well watch it m'am. We need you to get hurt while we're filming, not before." Director joked.

"Sorry sir, I'm just getting into character." the actress said, "I'm the character who's new to the art of Pokemon training! Usually I am picked up by Ash early on in the story, and plays the role of a little sister or morality pet. My main job is be taught the art of being a Pokemon trainer, and putting myself and those around me in danger with some minor villain! I'm also the one who runs into the frontlines of dangerous situations, yet inexplicably survives the entire story!"

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