In Memoriam, Admire to Kill

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AN: This is a short segment where we pay our respects (or disrespects to certain fellows) to those that have died so far in SunnyVII's story Admire to Kill. Because this is a death counter, all spoilers ahead are unmarked, so proceed at your own risk! Without further ado, let's proceed with the Kill Count!


(Last chance to leave if you don't want spoilers!)

Season 1:

Kill #1: Unnamed Performer (Chapter 1)

Stabbed multiple times by Serena, first on screen kill of the series

My notes: Great way to set the tone that this novel is not pulling any punches.

Kill #2: Miette (Chapter 6)

Stabbed multiple times by Serena, first kill to be witnessed by Ash

My notes: The series truly begins from here, in my opinion

Kill #3: Shauna (Chapter 8)

Throat slit by Serena

My notes: By killing her "best friend", Serena shows how far she is willing to go

Kill #4: Unnamed girl (Chapter 10, Flashback)

Kill #5: Unnamed girl (Chapter 10, Flashback)

Heads bashed by Serena in Summer Camp

My notes: These kills disturbed me slightly, to know that Serena's first kills was back when she was a child.

Kill #6: Calem (Chapter 13)

Shot in the head by Ash, his first kill

My notes: While I feel little sympathy for Calem, poor Ash was forced to murder to protect someone he "loved"

Kill #7: Bonnie (Chapter 14)

Throat slit by Serena

My notes: NOOOOOOOOO!!!

Kill #8: Aria (Chapter 17)

Stabbed multiple times in the face by Serena

My notes: If only she kept her mouth shut!

Kill #9: Clemont (Chapter 18)

Burned by Braixen's flamethrower, on Serena's orders

My notes: First kill via Pokemon, poor Braixen

Kill #10: Tierno (Chapter 19)

Stabbed by Serena

My notes: I never liked him too much, but sheesh, that was brutal. The way it was played out over a phone call amps up the horror a lot more.

Kill #11: Trevor (Chapter 21)

Buried alive by Serena

My notes: These deaths get more and more disturbing don't they?

Kill #12 & 13: Jessie and James ( Chapter 23)

James was stabbed in the back, Jessie in the chest, both with a machete.

My notes: Serena went full Jason Vorhees here! Also bye bye to our favorite villains

Kill #14: Misty (Chapter 25)

Drowned by Serena

My notes: Oh the irony huh? Tragically this kill was bound to happen sooner or later.

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