Badges and Bureaucracy

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AN: Wow, it's been LITERALLY almost a year since I last posted. Damn, time flies. So why was I gone so long? Life, college, lack of interest, writer's block, blah blah blah. But, a dear friend mentioned that they missed my stories, and I decided to do some writing again. But god damn is it fun when you have an idea and you spin with it.  Now for the story!

For those of y'all that played Gold and Silver, did it piss you off that Clair basically bitched about her loss, and had you complete that BS challenge to get her badge? Well for those that wanted payback on that pixelated prick, this story may be a little cathartic for you.


Johto Region, Blackthorn Gym

Gyarados falls onto the floor of the arena with a deafening crash that shakes the building. On the other side, a Typhlosion stood panting, also struggling to remain standing. For a couple seconds, the battlefield is completely silent. Until...

"Gyarados is unable to battle! Typhlosion is the winner." A referee announces, waving a green flag. "As Gym Leader Clair is out of Pokemon, this makes Challenger Ethan the winner!"

"Woohoo! Yeah!" Ethan cheered as he ran across the field to his faithful starter. "You did great, Typhlosion! You and the entire team!"

The exhausted Volcano Pokemon smiled and nuzzled its trainer's chest, feeling nothing but pride at its master's compliments. "Alright, get in the ball, pal. I'll rush you all to the Pokemon center." Typhlosion returns to its Pokeball, as Ethan crosses the field to meet Clair, who is also returning her Gyarados. Up in the stands, Lyra clapped politely for her friend's stellar performance.

"That was a good battle, Gym Leader Clair!" Ethan said as he approached the former. "I gotta say, that Kingdra of yours was crazy strong. Had me on the ropes for a second there. But um, I really need to get my team down to the Pokemon center. Can I receive my badge now, please?"

Clair wordlessly clipped the Pokeball back to her belt and regarded Ethan for a moment, with an unreadable expression. "No, I refuse."

Ethan blinked as his brain processed those words. "I'm sorry?"

"I won't concede." Clair repeated. "I am a veteran trainer and a Dragon-master, who has held her own against the Elite Four. Outside of some miracle, a rookie trainer like you has no chance to beat me. That's it, then. It must have been a fluke."

"Wh-what?!" Ethan yelled. "But I did beat you! Sure, it was close, but I am certain it was my team's skill and bonds, not something such as luck!"

Clair thought for a second, then suggested, "How about you take the Dragon-master challenge? If you can complete the challenge, then I will accept that you are worthy of my Gym badge."

Ethan sputtered like a fish out of water, completely unsure what to say. The referee who had been watching the battle ran over to the boy's defense. "M'am, this was not part of your Gym challenge! The boy won the battle fair and square!"

"Be quiet, Benson. You heard me. This boy insulted my honor, and won through a fluke. Therefore he does not deserve the badge." Clair rebukes sternly. "Until he has proven himself in the Dragon-master challenge, he will not have truly earned the Rising Badge. Now leave."

The referee, Benson, clenches his jaw. He glances at poor Ethan, and whispers. "I-I'm sorry, kid. Clair's as stubborn as she is prideful. This... this isn't the first time she has done this." He then gives a short nod to the Gym Leader before leaving.

Ethan couldn't believe it. All that was for nothing? The training, the hardship, the battle, all that was for nothing because Clair believed it to be a fluke?! To be denied a Gym badge over pride and honor?! Ethan balled his fist and took a deep breath in, and stormed off. From the stands, Lyra, despite not hearing anything, felt something was really wrong. She ran off in search of her companion.

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