The Green Light

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AN: Something short, just so I can get the feel for writing again.


As the ship slowly departed from the dock, a raven haired boy ran out to the railing, calling out to a honey-blonde girl standing on the docks.

"I'm entering the Pokemon Coronation series, and I'm aiming to be the very best!" Ash's eyes sparkled with their usual determination. To Serena, it was the same determination she admired so much, which had allowed her friend to pull through seemingly insurmountable challenges and keep going despite the odds stacked against him.

"If you're going to be the best trainer, then guess I'll have to be the top coordinator!" Serena replied with the same determination. 

"So we'll both do our best!"

"Yes! Aim for the top, and I'll be cheering for you! And Chloe too!" Serena called out as the ship slowly sails away. 

"Right back at ya!" Ash said as they both slowly inched away from earshot. Ash continued to wave as Serena and the dockyard got smaller and smaller. He waved until his arm got tired. He waved even as Serena and Sylveon became barely distinguishable silhouettes.

 The sun has almost set below the horizon, and darkness started to set in and the stars began to glimmer in the darkening sky. The dockyard lit up with a green light.

"Hey Ash, it's getting dark. You want to head back inside?" Chloe inquired. 

"No, I think I'll stay out here for a bit. Enjoy some fresh air." Ash's gaze was still fixed towards the green glow as he replies.

"Alright, but don't catch a cold. Would be hard doing research while you're sick." With that, Chloe signaled to Goh to follow her, and the two friends disappeared into the cabin, leaving Ash standing alone on deck. 

"Hey Pikachu, why don't you go join them? I wouldn't mind some alone time." Ash said to his yellow companion. Pikachu seemed reluctant at first, but obliged and scampered through the doors.

For the next few moments, Ash contemplated his all too brief reunification with his childhood friend. There was so little time, yet so much he had wanted to say.

 Has she made any new friends? 

Why did she change her look? And why did it look so... good on her?

What happened to the ribbon she always wore? Ash normally isn't the type to notice these details, but this one confused a little part of his brain to some extent which he has yet to understand.

And... why did she do what she did back at the airport, when they last saw each other?

A small part of Ash wanted to leap off the ship and onto the dock so he can spend some proper time with one of his most cherished friends, and now that part of him regretted not doing that.

"Hey Ash, they're serving dinner now and-" Goh peeked out of the cabin to deliver some news to Ash, but stopped as he realized the silent intimation that his friend wanted to be left alone, for he stretched out his arm across the dark waters in a curious way, like he was reaching for something, or someone. Goh glanced seawards, towards the direction in which Ash's arm was pointed at. He could make out nothing but a dim green light, almost like a star. Goh realized it was likely the lights from the dock they departed from.

"Hey, um, you alright mate?" Goh finally spoke up, getting Ash's attention. The trainer jerked slightly, being snapped back to the present.

"Oh, yeah, I'm okay.", though it sounded half-hearted at best. Ash walked over to Goh at the doorway, who asked "What was that all about?"

"Oh, just a little trip down the memory lane." Little would be the understatement of the century though, as those memories are ones Ash hold closest to his heart.

"Well that sure sounds like a conversation to have over dinner. Come on, or there will be nothing left!" Goh said with a wave of his hand as he walked through the door.

"Y-yeah, right behind ya." Ash said. As he reluctantly followed his friend down the hall, Ash took one last longing glance towards the sea, and there the green light still shone in the distance.

"One day, Serena. One day."


AN: Something pretty short and something I always had an inclination to write about since that episode came out. For my fellow Americans that understood the reference, good job! You paid attention in high school English! For the people that haven't planted a flag on the moon yet, this short is a reference to the 1925 novel The Great Gatsby. Long story short, the green light symbolizes hopes and ambitions. It is the hope that one day Ash will be able to understand and come to terms with his feelings for Serena, and our hopes that one day they will finally be together.

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