Idea Dump

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AN: This is not an official chapter, one shot, or anything like that. Sometimes, I get a random idea for the main games that I feel like is worth sharing. Because I do not frequently post on the likes of Reddit and Twitter for sake of my sanity, I feel Wattpad is a decent medium to share ideas. Don't feel obligated to read this, but I am more than happy to discuss in the comment section if you want to.


Proposal 1: Voice Acting

Seriously, how has this not been implemented in the game since as far back as say, Gen 3 or even 2? With such a massive cast of characters, it is rather shocking that there is no voice acting! The player character is understandable; they are after all meant to be a stand-in for the human player. 

When much smaller titles are able to provide voices for their entire cast, it is odd that a multi-billion dollar company like Nintendo cannot do the same. Voice Actors would kill to lend their talent for such a long-running and beloved franchise, and would likely be willing to work at a discount. Passion is a powerful motivator after all.

Proposal 2: Difficulties

Nintendo games are so infamous for being hard that there is an entire trope named after it for when the game is difficult to the point of unfairness. Trope being of course named Nintendo Hard. That is great! A difficult game keeps players at the edge of their seats, and make them use their brains to surmount great challenges! But then, a large part of Nintendo's audience is young children who simply lack the brain power and patience to overcome the difficulty! Therefore, a difficulty selection would help cater to both players that are either new to gaming or the franchise, but also provide a decent challenge to players that really want to push their limits.

I have come up with the following difficulties:

-Rookie: Great for newbies and people who just want a comfortable and casual run through. Can also be good for adjusting to new mechanics (ie Z-moves, Mega, Dynamax, etc) or trying out new combos and strategies!

The following is in effect during this difficulty:

-Opponent AI is "dumbed" down. They will make more mistakes, and is less likely to punish mistakes made by the player. Tactics and such are less unique and easier to overcome.

-Movesets of their Pokemon will be altered to be less effective. This means it is harder and less likely for opponents to set up a sweep or suddenly bring an environmental effect to shift battles in their favor.

-Trainer: This is the standard difficulty of the game. Good for players looking to have a good time, or have some experience with the Pokemon franchise. Battles are hard but fair, and the AI will display some degree of competency.

-Elite: The difficulty for players that want a challenge; the quintessential "Hard" mode. You certainly cannot rush into the Elite Four and Champion battle with whatever team you had built from random catches. The odds are stacked against you.

The following is in effect during this difficulty:

-Opponent AI is much more effective. They WILL punish every mistake the player makes, and carefully analyze their next move to minimize the player's opportunity to land punishes of their own. The AI will try and setup for sweeps and such, but will not hesitate to land a crippling or knockout blow when the opportunity presents itself.

-Movesets of their Pokemon will be altered to be much more effective and in sync with each other. With the large amount of movesets used in competitive play, expect a few of those to be used against you.

-Altered teams. Certain weak links and other Pokemon in the team that does not sync up with the others will be removed and replaced with a more suitable substitute. This is only in effect for Gym, Elite, and Champion battles of course, given that those trainers are the ones most likely to do this.

-Champion: The highest difficulty, only unlocked after beating Elite, and is intentionally made to be unfair. This game mode is designed for masochists and people that spent far too much time perfecting their team compositions. Nuzlockes are near impossible, and if you can pull off a perfect play through, I'm sure your local military will become very interested in your tactical genius. Failure is expected of you, and victory is but forlorn hope.

The following is in effect during this difficulty:

-Everything in Elite

-EXP rate is reduced by 10%, along with money earned: Hope you buckle down for a grind.

-The levels of ALL opponent Pokemon are adjusted. Pokemon levels 1-25 will have their levels increased by 1, Pokemon level 26-45 will have their levels increased by 2, Pokemon level 46+ will have their levels increased by 3. During Rematch Battles, Gym Leader teams will always be at least 1 level higher, Elite Four teams will always be at least 2 levels higher, and Champion teams will always be at least 3 levels higher. This means you may potentially face down a Level 103 Pseudo-Legend. Good luck!

-Crippling Injury: Pokemon fainted by Critical Hits and Attacks that dealt damage greater than or equal to 50% of their health will receive a crippling injury, which will reduce ALL their stats by 10%. Critical injuries can only be healed at Pokemon Centers for a hefty price, and after a long wait. The stronger your Pokemon, the longer the wait. (Ex. If your Lvl. 100 Legendary takes crippling damage, expect him to take at least 48 hours to fully recover)

Proposal 3: Events

Unique events that take place in game, with special requirements and circumstances that spices them up and makes them different from standard battles. Difficulty will be set to Elite by default. Examples include:

-Run the Gauntlet: The player will be prompted to create a team out of a randomized set of Pokemon to choose from. Upon which, they will have to fight and defeat a number of trainers. The first trainer's team will be significantly weaker, while the final trainer's team is about on par with yours. Your team cannot be healed throughout the entire gauntlet, though you may switch out a fainted Pokemon for a weaker replacement, and at a hefty cost. The more trainers you beat, the better the final prize.

-You are the Boss: The player is given control of a single, extremely strong Pokemon (such as the regional Legendary) and have to fight off an absolute Zerg Rush (like 30) of weaker opponents. Your Pokemon will swat them like flies, but without care and skill you will eventually find yourself overwhelmed. The more opponents you beat, the greater the prize.

-Nuzlocke: An official Nuzlocke game mode! You will battle a set of opponents, with one condition: You cannot lose even a single Pokemon.

-Doppelganger: You will face an opponent with an identical team, moveset, and item pool. Everything you bring into the battle, the Opponent will have as well.

-Rarity Rumble: The player will play an event where they face off against a few teams, culminating in one where an unique Pokemon will be the Ace of. Upon victory, the player will then receive said unique Pokemon as a prize. This event will be the only way to unlock that Pokemon.


AN: This does it for now. I will likely have more proposals coming sometime in the future, so consider this chapter a constant WIP.

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