Reservoir Devils

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AN: Hello! This time, I decided to break off the norm and make a short based off the games, as opposed to the anime. Hope you all enjoy! Note there is light violence.


Somewhere in Hoenn...

Somewhere in Hoenn, there is a seemingly abandoned warehouse. The metal walls are a bit rusty, the paint is starting to scrape off, and the windows are stained and dusty. Anyone would pass by this place without giving it a second look. After all, there's no way something interesting goes on in there. That would be true for most days. Today was not one of them.

Inside the warehouse, something was going on...

Brendan's eyes shot open. He felt himself short of breath, and tried to breath, only to realize his mouth had been sealed shut with duct tape, forcing him to breath through his nose. He tried to move his arms, but it turns out they have been tied behind him and a chair. He's been trapped, no, kidnapped! Suddenly, he felt a throbbing pain in his temple. He tried to feel it, then realized he couldn't move his arms. Suddenly, memories came flooding back.

About 2 hours ago...

Brendan walked around on a dirt road, surrounded by trees. Rays of sunlight beamed down on him, as wild Pokemon flew overhead. A beautiful day in his home region of Hoenn, and a beautiful day to do some good old research for his father, Professor Birch. He walked slowly down the road, occasionally glancing at the trees or skies, hoping to catch a glance of some wild Pokemon. He then noticed a puddle on the road, and he bent down to look at his own reflection.


Yep, that's him. Ol' Brendan. Brendan smiled slightly, and his reflection smiled back. Suddenly, he noticed what appeared to be pointed ears, no, horns sticking from his reflection's head. Was that his imagination? Suddenly, it appears he's grown a tail? What? Brendan stood up and turned around, to see a figure wearing a horned hood, baseball at the ready.

"What the-"

"Gotcha!" the figure said in a feminine voice, and swung the bat.

The bat scored a direct impact with a sickening crack, and Brendan fell onto the ground with a thud. He heard a muffled voice speaking though he couldn't make out the words, and he blacked out a few seconds later.

Back to the present...

Brendan struggled in his chair, trying to pull the ropes keeping his arms tied apart, and trying to jump out of the chair, but it seems someone has nailed them to the ground. Whoever kept him here clearly didn't want him to escape. He can't blame them. No one would dare mess with the guy who nearly took down Team Magma by himself. After a few minutes of useless struggling, Brendan decided to look around the place. It was then he noticed that the chair he's sitting in is on a piece of parchment paper covering a pretty large area. He then saw a small folding table, with among other things, a radio and a baseball bat. He also noticed the warehouse door is opened slightly, giving him a tiny glimpse of the outside world. Suddenly he heard footsteps, and the warehouse door swung open, revealing his kidnapper.

Brendan's eyes widened as he saw the person, in fact a woman, though you can easily mistake her for a young teen. It was Magma Admin Courtney. Brendan encountered her a few times in his run-ins with Magma and their operations, none of them pleasant. The lavender haired admin is for a lack of better words, a bit crazy. Weird speech patterns, scary mood swings, and the uncanny ability to change from acting like an emotionless robot to an energetic little girl. Whenever Brendan beats her in battle, she either takes the loss like nothing happened, to looking like she's about to throttle him herself.

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