Chapter 1: Introductions Failed

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I've always wanted to get things what i wanted in my life. Anything.

I mean who wouldn't want to have something they wanted?

And you need money to obtain what you desire.

In this world, you need money to get what you wanted.

'To have money is to have happiness' is my motto.

However due to my rotten luck of being born from that man, i was forced to be a specimen in the Whiteroom.

I was stripped off of my freedom.

If only we could just choose who our parent's gonna be right?

Then a miracle happened, during my 15 years of staying there, the whiteroom needed to shutdown for a year.

I was taken to one of the mansions that man's owns, he left me with instructions that i needed to maintain my mind and body to the peak even if he wasn't there.

After he left i went to my room and lock the door.

I grin, i could barely hold back my laughter that time.

Finally no white walls, no restraints, no more rigorous trainings even if that man said to do it. I have no restrictions.

And then something happens, something inside me, had finally been free from its shackles.

During my stay at that mansion i roam around the city, even if i get punish from doing this, its not like they would kill me. I am the best specimen in the whiteroom afterall.

A very valuable specimen.

During my days in the mansion, i spent most of it by using that man's black card that was given to Matsuo.

I spent it to the things i was curious at that i didn't get back when i was in the whiteroom.

I bought anything that could entertain me, foods,clothes, watches, movies, and whenever i went shopping there would be girls who asks for my number, Matsuo-san warned me about these kind of girls where they would try to say that they are interested with you, but all they want is your money.

Well i was carrying bags that shows off the brand of the store, some bags were even shining causing the attention of other shoppers to look at it.

I sent them the contact number of a pizza restaurant i went to.

No way i'll give it for free.

Months passby i become a student in ANHS where Matsuo told me that man wouldn't be able to capture me easily.

The way he said it sound like i was some kind of an animal about to be locked up and experimented. I am though.

I'm currently on a car at the passenger seat, while Matsuo-san is driving it as we took the route to school.

"Matsuo-san why is that school not allowing the money from outside?, do they have their own currency?, Can i atleast exchange 2 billion yen?" i asked him as i look through the windows and saw a bus that has a passengers with the same uniform as me.

"I think the school will explain that part Kiyotaka-sama, and...i don't think it's safe to handle that big amount of money" he said with a calm voice, as his eyes were focused on the road.

'says someone who' s holding a black card'

It seems like i would need to raise some money inside the school, to satisfy my greediness.

Ever since i left the whiteroom, i always feel this feeling of wanting anything interesting that i saw and money was the key to get them.

Money has lots of uses afterall.

You can buy ice-cream,You can buy ice-cream, You can buy games, You can buy some books, You can hire some bodyguards, You can buy even someone's life with it....although i don't think i could see myself doing something like that, i mean that's just absurd, i admit i am a greedy person but buying someone's life is not worth my money.

Ohh did i forgot you could buy ice-cream that's the most important use of money.

Basically money is a necessity, to buy things you would need on your daily life and also for entertainments.

I bid farewell to Matsuo-san after he drop me off to the school.

I'll definitely buy him a mansion next time we meet, that is if he's still alive.

I stare at the gates of the school as i pondered about what i need to do.

First, is that if the school couldn't exchange the money i brought then i would need to save up a lot.

Second, what method should i use in gathering the money?

Blackmailing?, maybe

Bullying?, nah


Manipulating?, this would be my second best.

What if i take commissions then?, just like the traveler from the game i played where he was accompanied by a weird floating..Paimon?

What is Paimon by the way?


Huh?, i turned around since i heard it from my back and saw a raven haired girl who was holding a book frowning at me.

Did i do something?

"Can i help you?" i asked since i was genuinely confused why does she look annoyed at me. Is she on that time of the month?.

"Why were you staring at me while i'm on the bus? " she asked.

Ohh, i remembered that i saw this raven haired girl when my gaze fell on the bus full of students with the same uniform as I.

'Is that really important? ',

"i just glance at you like the other students from the bus though" i said.

"Still, keep your eyes to yourself..creep" she said as she walked away.


"Oi!" i called out to her where then she turned around to face me still with a frown on her face.

"What?" She asked.

I started to walk closer to her and passed her.

"Nothing creep" i said as i entered the school leaving her glaring at me.
As i entered my room she was seating beside me. I can only bury my head on this coincidence

'I really have rotten luck' ignoring my seatmate's constant glaring.

Someone from the front started to introduce himself as 'Hirata Yosuke' which gathered the attention of girls and boys. Although their reactions were opposite to each other.

As the introductions continued from a cute beige haired color girl upto a blondie man who keeps looking on his handmirror for no reason.

'I thought girls would be the only one who own' s such things based on the commercials i saw, and why does it looks so natural when he's the one holding it? '

Introductions were interrupted by a red haired where he got some criticism since their dear Hirata looks sad when he did this.

The red haired went out and some people followed after, including my seatmate.

"Ehh. can you introduce yourself?"

Ohh it' s finally my turn.

I must do a nice introductions since they could be my potential clients.

"I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, i'm mostly good at, about anything except for singing that is.." i said as i got a few laughs

".. And whenever you need help on something , studying, , a friend, a date, a pretend boyfriend or if you need help in Anything you could request it to me for the right price" i said as i finished my introductions.

'Why are they not saying anything? '

To be continued...

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