Chapter 26: My Richest Customer Yet

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Everyone in the class was busy with their own commissions just a while ago, when suddenly Ryueen barged in our room interrupting with their own work.

Amidst to this, Inogashira Kokoro was still stitching a life-sized doll of me. She was in her own world fully committed in finishing her work and Ryueen's presence in the classroom doesn't even bother her.

There was also a probability that she didn't heard Ryueen when he entered.

Ryueen, despite seeing the girl who was unaffected by his entrance simply laugh weirdly, he didn't interrupt her, nor tried to disturb her own work, he just scoffs as he press the call icon on his phone.

Riiiiing Riiiiing Riiiiing Riiiiing

His phone rang as he walks closer to my seat while looking at the other's reaction.

I was confused why did he called me 'Mr. Krabs' though, is that one of the nicknames that the others made up to describe me?

I thought Commissionkoji was my only nickname but i didn't got offended with that nickname since i like commissions, however what was the connection of the animal crabs to me?

Even though i think hard i couldn't think of anything why.

Getting back to Ryueen, he was already on my side looking at me, it wasn't just him but his companions or are they his bodyguards?, they surrounded me from all sides while i was at my seat preventing me to escape.

Looking at them reminds me of the three weirdos that was soon to have a new member joining them, Sakura Airi, the group would soon need to change their name to the great four weirdos or the Quadra weirdos.

They always attach themselves into me by clinging on my arms, neck, shoulders, waist and sometimes my legs wherever i go, the only place i could only take a breather and escape from their clutches was the toilets.

"Ryueen this is Class-D classroom , your classmates might have tolerated your actions but we won't do that here."

Wow, Horikita actually knew someone from the other class despite having no friends. Kushida or Hirata might've informed her since she was a leader of some sort in the class?

Even if she confronts Ryueen now, Horikita wouldn't stand a chance, especially when there was a child about to form in her belly, she might be lying since she didn't want anyone to know it,or she simply just got punch on her stomach and she was still in pain.

"Huh, and who are you?, oh you're beautiful, i don't mind having fun with you at my dorm tonight however my business is with Spongebob's manager right now"

Ryueen looks back at me again after he just told Horikira that they would have 'fun' later.

She's already pregnant though.

Won't she have twins at this state of my first guess was right?

"Show me your phone" Ryueen muttered, however i didn't move to get my phone in my pocket but rather i raised a finger in front of him.

"1,000 points for showing you the screen."

Looking through someone's phone was already invading someone's privacy, even if he only wanted to look at the screen.

I thought Ryueen would be annoyed or at least frown but he just smirked at me, this guy is weird just like his laugh but not in the way like how the three weirdos are weird.

"I see, Ishizaki" he eyed the boy that he beat up just not long ago and he went to felt up my pockets.

However before his hand could touch me, a small hand that belongs to a girl stops him from doing so.

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