Chapter 14: Special Promo Service/ A Personal Request

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I was currently at my dorm with Maya and Sakura, it was the 4th day before the midterms exam and my points had already surpassed a million and a half.

Exactly 1,617,120 private points however, due to human beings requiring to eat, i spend atleast 7,000 private points this last 25 days, reducing it too 1,610,120.

Aside from instructing the swimming club, and tutoring Maya and Sakura
the three weirdos.Yui (Ninomiya) , Ryoko(Nishikawa) and Maya(Sato) also decided to include me to call them with their first names.

Although Ryoko insists that i should call her Ryoko-nee, of course i refused to do so at first however my rich lovely Ryoko-nee sent me 10,000 points to just call her with that.

And I see no problems.

"That would be enough for today, actually i'm already confident that both of you could pass the upcoming midterm exam" i said to the two, both of them was under the red marker line before i taught them and they were on the verge of being expelled, however i'm pretty sure that they could score within the top 20 of the class.

"Mmmgghh..thank you Kiyotaka"a moan came from Sato as she stretch her arms upwards, she immediately sat at my lap and lean on my shoulders as she snuggled her head into my shoulders.

I could see Sakura was still not used to her actions, since she looks away and immediately leaves when the tutoring sessions are over because if her.

"T-then thank you for today Ayanokoji-kun" she quickly pack up her things and stood up, flustered.

"Do you have something to ask Sakura?"

Throughout the tutoring sessions i felt her glance at me from time to time, i thought she wanted to speak to me,like something was bothering her.

"N-no i don't think so...maybe..then see you again" she said as she quickly left, maybe she couldn't talk when Maya was clinging at me.

"Bye-bye Sakura-san" said Sato as she closed her eyes and leaned on me,

Sakura was a stuttering mess when we first met, she was extremely shy and it was obvious that she was not used with talking to others, however with engaging to the two of us and sometimes with Ryoko-nee and Yui joining our tutoring sessions from time to time, she was now able to talk to us without stuttering a lot, she still stutters but when she does it, it is when the three weirdos did something unexpected like suddenly cuddling with me, or sometimes giving me a kiss on my cheeks.

She gets flustered easily about their actions.

Glancing at the monkey that was clinging at me, she looks cute i admit, although i feel like she was smelling me.

"Maya, when did you become a monkey too?" i asked her but she just snuggled up more, i pick her up and put this clingy monkey into my bed and tuck her in, however she didn't let go of my neck and she was still clinging so i didn't have a choice but to lay down into the bed next to her.


When did i become soft?, i could just remove her hands from me by force, but i didn't.

As Maya was snuggling up at me, her hands were now at my back while her head on my chest, i suddenly felt a vibration from my pocket.

A message came.

|Can you help me with something?|

I didn't know what this person wanted my help for but then she sends a picture to me, which gave me an idea what will it be about.

|Can i consider this as a commission?|

I asked, so this is what bothering her all this time.

A photo of a locker with a stack of letters inside, probably love letters, written in a different colored papers with some hearts and somehow the letter has a damped portion which probably made it disgusting, also the way this person writes was...utterly horrible.

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