Chapter 17: Midterms / Horikita

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Finally it was the day of the midterms exam, there were no tutoring sessions happened since they already have the midterms copy, they only need to memorize or get familiar with it.

However yesterday was quite something or it was rather a different state.


The state of Class-D was different now, just the other day , they were hostile at each other, bickering and accussing each others, baseless accusations.

Two sides against each other.

Black and white.

However what was different now?

Or rather who was the caused of this difference?

It was because of Hirata.

A different Hirata.

Hirata who currently leads the class with an iron fist or so he thinks.

Still this was a chance for Mii-chan to take advantage to, Karuizawa couldn't even hang out with him anymore

I already put the pieces for this commission, if all things go well, i will have another source to obtain more points, additionally i would have manpower.


I slide the doors of our classroom getting the attention of everyone, and here it is, the Class-D that used to talk loudly early in the morning was reduced to whispers and murmuring, there were currently reviewing the midterm test copy that Matsushita distributed.

There was no contract signed in buying them, also i never did promise to anyone that they could pass using the revised test papers.

I wonder how many would fall after these?, still i never lied about it being the midterm test paper, it is and it is not the midterm test paper at the same time.

A full glare came from Hirata towards my direction when i open the door but i didn't care and went to my seat.

My classmates sweatdropped when they thought something was about to happen.

Glare all you want, its free.

Eventhough Hirata leads the class with an iron fist he couldn't do that alone, Hirata might be an excellent student but he wasn't the best specially if we consider physical strength.

Koenji, Sudo and maybe Horikita, he couldn't control any of them, also the boys side who were envious of him at the very first day.

Hirata's leadership was nothing like the leader of Class-C who was also using the same tactic.

If you compare the two of them, Hirata's iron fist ruling was nothing, it was like comparing an adult's fist on a baby. He didn't even have full control of the class so it couldn't be considered an iron fist.

I went to my seat, as my seatmate glance at my direction,however she didn't say anything and just went back to reading.

Now that i noticed it i rarely checked my points balance these days. So i decided to checked it while staring at the view at rhe window.

Account Balance: 2,239,980

I wonder how many points i would need to gather to be safe? I should ask Chabashira-sensei for this later.

"Seems like you gathered quite a lot"

My seatmate suddenly said as i closed my phone. Seems like she saw a glimpse of it.

"I'm not giving you any, don't try to ask" i started getting defensive, this is my own hardwork no one should know

"I wasn't going to ask you to give me any, unlike the others i spend my money efficiently" she said that with pride, should i clap for her i wonder.

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