Chapter 20: Deal

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"Don't worry everyone, we have a millionaire here in our table"

My heart just dropped along with the spoon i was using.

Let me bring back my previous monologues, i'm definitely going to leave this group.

"N-Ne Kiyo-"

Everyone is a liar.

If someone invited you for a meal and that person is going to treat you they say, then remember this one advice, do not bring money or points in this school especially when you got invited.

Remember that or you might suffer.

"K-kiyotaka-kun wait up!, we're sorry okay?!"

Angels are not real.

If you see one, then run. That's no angel, its just a disguise.

In my stay here at this school, i could actually give an advice to someone.

"K-Kiyo-kun i apologize okay?, can you stop ignoring us?"

If someone said that they will treat you for a meal, then don't take it. It's a scam, i'll say it again, it's a Scam!

" This is much more serious than we thought Ryoko-chan"

"I-i guess we really went overboard"

"J-Just how much did Ayanokoji-kun paid for?"

Humans lie all the time, they deceive you, your friends, families will also lie to you, in the end the only one you can trust yourself.

"K-Kiyotaka-kun we're sorry okay, we just wanted you to stop being a cheapskate"

Did anyone heard something?, nope, probably just some scammer.

This school has lots of them after all.

You can't trust anyone, specially if you met a girl that wants to be called a neesan.

Best sister in the world?, NO, best scammer maybe.

Or a girl who keeps you calling an Oni, when she was the real Oni.

I continued walking while someone was getting dragged since she was holding into my arms, i can't hear anything, why did i even join them in the first place, with this i am starting to regret calling Horikita the devil, at least Horikita was the one who paid for my food.

I felt someone pulled me from my side, halting me from getting back to my dorm.

I look at the prime suspect which made my heart dropped after the bill was presented to me instead.

"Ne-Kiyo-kun you wouldn't ignore your big sister right?" she looks sad as she pouts and she then tried blinking her eyes in a cute manner.

This girl was really a good scammer, how can i not see this?

"Oh it's nice to meet you Nishikawa-san" i greeted the girl beside me.

"We're back in using last names now?!"

"Have i ever called you by your first name?, i don't really remember?"

"Now you have amnesia?!" the girl was shocked and wide eyed as she turns at the other girls.

They started to look at each other and showing face expressions to communicate with each other.

"What should we do?"

Nishikawa sighed and look the contents of her bag.

"Fine,...i'll pay you the bill and i'll also use the favor i have so forgive me okay? " the black haired girl reveals her phone that was inside her bag all this time and she just pretended it wasn't there.

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