Chapter 6: Part Time Instructor

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The next day classes were about to finished, the situation in the class keeps on worsening, some of them didn't even bother hiding their phones and they were blatantly chatting while classes were going on, its very different from the classes from that place.

I just hope their actions won't affect me.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The classes ended and i was with Sato and Onodera, At first it was supposed to be just me and Onodera, since they had a business with me, when Sato overheard our conversation she insisted that she would come with us.

"Its okay, Ayanokoji-kun, Sato seems worried that i would be stealing you from her. " she said teasing, if she was fine with it, i didn't have any problem with it so i just nod.

"No! I was just interested in the swimming club"

"Hohh! I invited you a lot before, i wonder why you are interested this time? hehe" Onodera teased Sato on the way, she called me last night that the captain of the swimming club wanted to see me, with my performance during the mini competition, most likely Onodera spread the word about it to her club.

The swimming instructor during swimming classes might had also taken part to it.

Soon we were able to see the swimming area and from the far corner of the pool a short brown haired girl wearing the standard swimsuit was observing the students who were on the pool with a slight frown on her face.

As i observed them further, if they were the members of swimming club and if i compare it to my class, then they were just slightly above ours, no wonder they couldn't join the finals, even Horikita and Kushida who was next to finish to Onodera during the swimming classes, have a slightly high chance to beat some of them, is this why Onodera insists  Horikita to join the swimming club since they were lacking capable members?

"Hitomi, Captain!, we're already here" Onodera called out to the woman who was in the corner of the pool and then she approached us when she heard Onodera. So she's the captain.

"Ahh! Onodera, is that Ayanokoji-kun?, he's more handsome than i thought" the captain said as she leans closer to me and evaluates my face.

"Stop it captain, someone might get jealous"

"I told you i won't Onodera-san!"

The captain laughed at my two companions, and introduced herself.

"I am Hitomi Aya!, class 3-B and i am the current captain of the swimming club" she introduced herself and we introduced ourselves too, she then explained the situation to us or rather to me.

" As you can see, the swimming club doesn't really have many capable members, even though i tried to guide them with my full abilities, only some were able to reach the standard of above average" she smiled bitterly and glanced at Onodera who had a proud face, it seems like she was one of the capable members she was talking about.

"I'm already in my 3rd year soon and before i graduate, i wish to leave a legacy in the school however it seems like i already reach my bottleneck and i couldn't improve further, even the instructor didn't know what i should do, so i tried different techniques and exercises but all of them were very little improvement" she said in a sad tone but then she suddenly brighten up and grab my shoulders.

"And that's when i heard something about a student in Class D that demonstrated a monstrous performance that even i couldn't believe unless i confirmed it to that gorilla instructor!"

She had stars in her eyes as she looks at me.

"With you instructing me and my team, the finals would not only be a dream!" she hugs me which made my head bump at her chest while her right hand was in the air as she looks at the ceiling, she must be imagining herself and the team joining the finals.

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