Chapter 16: Class-D State / The Three Weirdos

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"What if i"

The tense atmosphere rise higher as i said it, both of us staring at each other, Hirata glaring at me with full hatred while i just look at him with an uninterested look.

Hirata is in the verge of outburst anytime now, he started taking a deep breath to calm himself a bit.

".....I believe in Sudo-kun and Ike-kun, they should already be aware of the consequences about it and i believe they wouldn't do something like..that, your actions rather... will end up for the class to... "

He couldn't complete his sentence,

I wonder why he was like this?, what push him to become an ally of eveyone?, and it wasn't fake i could tell.

This was just Hirata Yosuke, an ally of everyone,

Chabashira-sensei didn't interrupt as throughout the conversation, she was just listening like a bystander, the others were just staring at us, uncomfortable.

Unfortunately for them, this would last for a bit longer.

"Then what about if i asked you about Yamauchi?,Before the incident happen, do you believe that he is incapable of doing a crime?, specially if he commits an.....attempted rape?"


My statements were becoming heavier, each and everyone of them was wide-eyed, specially girls were much more uncomfortable.

Eventhough Chabashira-sensei only drop some vague terms about the case, some might already have an idea what Yamauchi did, ' an accomplice for a crime' 'a victim was a girl of their age'.

I felt sorry for Sakura for bringing up the topic again well....slightly, she was clearly uncomfortable and panicking, she might have been reminded of what happened but i wasn't that cruel of revealing her identity as the victim.

Even Koenji wasn't that carefree when i brought up the topic, eventhough he was still staring at his mirror, he wasn't checking out himself, he was just staring on it.

"D-did he really did....that?" a girl from the class questioned me, shivering, the girls are obviously frightened specially if the suspect was one of their classmates.

Who knows what would happen and probably they would be the next victim if he wasn't expelled.

"C-Chabashira-sensei, can i..change seats?" Hasebe who was seated beside the former seat of Yamauchi, raised her hand.

"You would need to pay atleast 10,000 points for that" Hasebe reluctantly lowered her hand after it, despite Yamauchi being expelled, she was still near Ike who was friends with Yamauchi.

"Thankfully, he got expelled, who knows what he could've done to others!"

"I know right, i felt sorry for the girl, disgusting perverts!"

"We still couldn't relax, most of the boys here are perverts too!"

"Hey!, we didn't do anything like that!"

"W-we were just forced to vote that time!"

The class turned hostile.

Two sides were against each other, the girls blaming and accusing the other side, the boys trying to defend themselves from it.

Unity?, Cohesion?, Solidarity?

Those wouldn't exist in Class-D, the class that was full of defects.

They believed me and they started to blame each other even without showing any legitimate proof.

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