Chapter 12: Helping For Free?

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Class just ended after Chabashira sensei mocks the class for having a rather improved behaviour, although our points are still zero.

I could feel her glare at me during class discussion and she purposely ask me hard questions which was noticed by almost everyone, despite that i answered her questions with ease.

She might be piss off since i message her with 'thank you for the 1 million, you' re the best sensei'
I think that's probably the reason.

As soon as class ended the class went to their own groups, i wasn't aware of this since i was summoned by my Saint Chabashira in the faculty and i was on a date with my goddess Ayane senpai at night.

That was the best dinner i have in my entire life, however my sleep wasn't the best since i played the piano for almost an hour while Ayane senpai was leaning on my shoulders, i should also charge her for medical expenses later.

Some went out while others stay at the classroom and grab some chairs to group together with papers on their hands. Koenji as usual didn't bother joining it and left the class long ago.

I saw my seatmate Horikita with Kushida and the so called 3 idiots getting out as she sends me a glare.

As i was packing my bags, Hirata approached me with his group behind him probably to talk about this

"Good afternoon Ayanokoji-kun, i was wondering if you saw my message yesterday?" Hirata asked me.

"Message?" i turned off my phone since the three idiots have been sending me message all night.

'Ayanokoji-kun why didn' t you told me you went on a date with Ayane senpai?????"

'Oni sensei are you finally selling your body to any woman you met?

' little brother why is your neesan not aware of this?, also you haven't gotten my permission to attend this date!, Don't you know that there are lots of ara ara women waiting for innocent preys like you?!!'

Everyday they were getting really scary, and weirder. Sato was even smiling at me right now, but somehow it looks different than her heartwarming smile.

"Yesterday we decided to form study groups, since Chabashira sensei told us yesterday that students will be expelled if they failed the midterms and we couldn't let that happen to anyone."he paused as he looks at the others who were huddled around in groups of five.

"We decided that those who ranked highest from the previous test will lead the study groups and i would also like to ask if you are willing to help us Ayanokoji-kun"

"Right!, since Ayanokoji-kun was able to perfect the test, my grades would go up"

"Umu!, with Ayanokoji-kun teaching me the test will be a breeze!"

"Even if we are in Class D, aren't we actually lucky that we have a genius like Ayanokoji-kun in our class? "

"Chabashira sensei even said that he has a quality of the leader!"

Nods of agreement followed as Hirata asks me for help, cheers and praises were sent to me.

"Yes, i don't mind helping you guys, in fact i wouldn't even hold back and put all my effort for the class to reach Class A" i announced as cheers erupted in the room, i said that a bit louder, i bet Chabashira sensei would've like to hear those words coming out from me.

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