Chapter 3: A Sudden Commission

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" T-then i-i'll see you at 9pm tonight Ayanokoji-kun..Bye!" Sato said hurriedly as she runs away since she ended up a blushing mess.

It seems like i went overboard.

'Well i already got my first commission and first payment' he thought while looking at his phone showing his points balance.

9pm huh.. I still have time, I think i'll hit up the convenience store again for dinner, i guess a very little bit of spending for ice cream won't hurt my points.

'I ended up buying eight of them, saving is harder than i thought'

I even encountered my seatmate that quickly backs away from me when i entered the convenience store, she treated me like i'm some deadly virus.

I just ignore her as i continue my shopping, i notice a "free" item section that contains certain necessities like toothbrushes, shampoo and others.

Suddenly an older looking student grab three items from the free section, he grab the items swiftly like he was already used to it and put it on his cart.

As i observe the brands of the products in the free section it was mostly those that are the cheapest products or those that are not popular.

How do i know this?, well i always went to shopping using the 'black card' and the designs of the products looks bland and boring compared to the others.

I tap his back to ask him why did he get free items despite being just the second day of the first month.

"Why?, Can't i atleast save some of my points?" he responded to me, that was a good answer to my question but as i look to his cart, his items were all cheap.

"Can i know what class are you?"

"I'm from class 3-D, why did you even want to know that?" he said a bit annoyed with me, then he started to narrow his eyes to observe my face further.

"Oh, it's you isn't it, the manwhore!" he said as he points at me with a smirk. Thankfully there were only atleast four people currently inside the store.

Is that what most people think of me, although i'm glad that people knows me since it would help me in getting clients, i didn't and never did iwanted to be labeled as a 'manwhore'

"Pfft" i heard a chuckle from behind me, i turned around and it was my black haired seatmate, her back was facing me but i could see her holding back her laugh but her shoulders gave away though.

She was currently pretending to shop while eavesdropping to our conversation.

"I'm not a manwhore i don't accept sexual demands from others, please don't misunderstand" i said but he just ended up laughing.

"But when the time comes someone wants me to expel you, i won't hesitate to do it" i said in a lower voice and end it with a smile, i pat his left shoulders and leaving the now stiff statue senpai.

I went to the ice cream section when my phone vibrates and i was a bit hesitant to open it, since after i post in the school forums, i received spam messages from random people where they ask absurd request and their reward was just a meager amount of points.

One example of it was he wanted me to come to school while wearing nothing. I'll ended up getting suspension or expulsion if i do that.

I decided to check it and it was a easy task...probably, it says the message and time where i need to deliver the product.

I decided to accept it since they said they would pay me thrice if i could do it.

'Sneak a beer from the conveniece store, i'll pay thrice the value (Make sure the Loli doesn't see you and the cameras of course) Meet me at xxxxx during lunchtime tomorrow'

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