Chapter 4: A Horrible Person

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Sato then slides her keycard, i removed my facemask since it was making me a bit uncomfortable, and put it in my pocket. Its not like anyone could see me during this time.

She opens the door and switch on the light revealing a....girly room. Although our dorms were the same size and space you could definitely tell that this room is for a girl.

"Welcome to my humble abode" she said giggling as she gestured me to went in.

It was mostly filled with stuffed toys from bears to....dinosaurs? The room was mostly filled with pink in color.

"You have a lovely room Sato" i said to her and shows me a cute smile with a nod.

" W-what do you want for a drink, Ayanokoji-kun?" she ask me as she went to the kitchen.

"Ahh..i'm fine with anything, but i'm only here to do your request." i said to her.

"Moou! Ayanokoji-kun, i know you're a boy but you're too excited" she said as she brought out to sets of teacups.

"Here have some tea first" she said as she put it at the table and gestured me to sit beside her.

We talk about our daily lives and what school did we went before coming here,of course i mix up some lies.

Soon our topic diverts to the romance part.

"A-Ayanokoji-kun..d-do you have a girlfriend before coming here...y-you don't have to answer! I'm just curious about it" she asked as she stuttered while she twirling the end of her hair and sometimes the tone of her voice went from high to low and low to high.

" I don't have a girlfriend, not once" i said truthfully, although i keep wondering what would it be if my life wasn't controlled.

"Really?!, (ahem) s-sorry it's just hard to believe since you were good looking very" she said with a blush as i didn't quite hear the last part what she said.

I took a sip from my mug before i answered her.

" Well, i don't really have much experience when it comes to love, i wonder if someone would be willing to teach me that though" i said as i stare at her side while i could see her ears turning red while she pretend to sip her tea.

"T-There would" she said she looks down causing her hair to cover her face.

"I wonder who is that" i said as i lean my head to my hands.

"i wonder if she's near with me" i said as i tuck her hair behind her ears since it was getting on the way.

"Geez! Stop it now, you're such a teaser Ayanokoji-kun!" she said as she covered her face into her hands.

"You're really cute specially when you blush"


This happened for some time and i wonder what she was thinking.

'Calm down Maya!, Ayanokoji-kun might just be doing this because of his task!..but if he' s really interested in.. me..then...'

"Sato,it's about midnight now" i said as i showed her my phone.

"R-Right!" she said as she quickly stood up and went to her bed and covers herself with a blanket , i pick up the mug and put it to the sink in the kitchen.

' Now what should i do?, our deal is that i would sleep with her, but it seems like i went overboard into teasing'

I went to sit at the couch since the deal only states that i will sleep with her, it doesn't says that i should sleep beside her, seems like i'll sleep on the couch.

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