Chapter 18: Midterm Results

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I thought i've finally met an angel that was named Horikita Suzune, her words that sounds like a tune coming from the heavens.

'i'll treat you for a meal of your liking'

Her words when she said it made me look at her as if she was a divine being, an angel that was sent to Earth.

however it soon turned black by her next words.

"You ate the food i bought right?, Now you need to help me reach Class-A"

Her tone felt different it wasn't angelic anymore.

Soon her white silver wings started turning black, the halo breaks and formed into horns attached at her head.

Horikita was only disguised as an angel.

And this devil just offered a deal that no one would ever accept.

" Horikita, i appreciate the commission you give to me and i also wanted to thank you with this free meal that you offered with no strings attached.." i put more emphasis in some words to make her remember her owm words when she invited me as i continued.

"if your offer was this super luxurious meal that only cost 2,200 private points in exchange for my cooperation where i would need to beat class A which currently has 940 class points while our class has zero, then allow me to refuse."

It was a ridiculous offer, with her payment, the only thing i could do to make her reach Class-A is to carry her and drop her at the entrance of Class-A's room for two days.

" Why?, i'm only asking for your cooperation, its not like you would need to use your brain, you just need to follow my commands" she responded, she haven't touch her meal all this time and continued.

"You like that right?, following the commands of some random stranger in exchange of mere points, just like a pawn"

A pawn huh?, Horikita just called me a pawn

The pawn was considered the weakest piece in the chess, not only it was little and have low value,it was also used as a sacrifice very often.

The pawn could only move forward afterall, the pawn couldn't even capture an enemy piece unless the enemy piece was in one square diagonally forward.

I guess she was right, all this time i've been acting as a pawn,

running errand for others,

instructing in the swimming club,

carrying a monkey to her room,

sleeping with multiple girls at night,

Wait, the last one doesn't sounds like what a pawn would do.

Anyways, a pawn is not something you should underestimate .


a powerful move that only the pawn could do, a move that could change the entire game itself.

A game that i was in control of.

"I refuse, Horikita, if you want to commission me to reach Class-A then atleast put an equal value for me to help you."

I already finished my food, it was tasty, i couldn't wait for the time when i finally saved up enough points and spend a meal in that Italian restaurant Ayane senpai invited me at during our date without a care for my points running low while doing nothing, as my classmates suffer from eating those free vegetable meals.

"Then what about if i cook you a home-made meal?"

"Still i refuse"

"Why don't you try my cooking first, before you decide? " Horikita ask me in a confident tone.

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