Chapter 22: Azuma Sana/First Day In The Business

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Diary entry# 14

June 2
5:00 A.M

I already spent two months in this school, and I was put in quite a situation that i never expected that I would be.

I became a slave of Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

I know, the idea was absurd of course but it can't be helped, i failed an exam and I was two points away from passing the subject.

It was too stupid in my part to not study and just follow the exam copy that Matsushita-san distributed. The latter part of the test paper was changed and it contains the hardest questions.

This school was different from every school that i know, this was the only school that was able to shelter me from them.

I don't want to come back.

That's why i kneeled, bow my head to him, and plead to save me.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, i've also thought of him weird at first because of his...unique introduction.

I mean who would introduce himself like a product that could be rented? He was willing to be your friend boyfriend or anything as long as you paid him.

I wouldn't be surprised if i saw the face of Ayanokoji-kun in an app like a rent-a-boyfriend.

However unlike the other boys, he was different, his interest was in wealth not in women.

He even had a bunch of girls surrounding him, and they weren't only just girls, but those who were actually beautiful among the beauties in this school.

Yet, Ayanokoji-kun doesn't seem like he was romantically interested with any of them, it might actually be reversed, the girls were the one romantically interested with him instead.

Specially Sato-san.

She was a nice girl when I met her at the first time and the group that I was included in always went for shopping.

However throughout the time, she doesn't participate with our hang outs anymore since she joined the swimming club, despite having no interest at first.

We find out the reason, and this caused the group to create rumors about her and him.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka the one whom I was working for.

She became weird after hanging out with him.

Really weird.....and creepy.

After classes Sato-san drop one of her notebooks from her bag while she was hurrying to go out, probably late from her swimming lessons.

I never had an idea to read the contents of her notebook, since it might just be some notes from Chabashira-sensei's lectures, however the notebook was open and it caught my attention since there were heart shapes on it.

I didn't want to pry but I read one of the pages of her notebook, and the contents really creep me out.


She looks so dedicated that she used two colored pens to write it in one full page of her notebook from what i saw, there was also a high probability that another page could also be filled with the same content and who knows what other thing I might have seen inside.

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