Chapter 15: Chaos In Class-D

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I lied down at my bed after changing my clothes, that request from my classmate, Mei-yu Wang or rather Mii-chan caught me offguard.

To think that such a petite looking girl would commission something out of character from her appearance.

Well, appearance are often deceiving.

As far as i know she was always with Hirata's group, i didn't know much about her personality but from what i observed during class sessions aside from Chabashira-sensei's glares, Mii-chan always steals a glance at Hirata.

It was so obvious that almost everyone knows she has a crush on him, i think even Hirata does so. I wasn't really aware about my classmate's lovelife nor do i care.

I was already preoccupied with those three, or more like four since Ayane-senpai sometimes joins during lunch, however she keeps on saying something that was completely different from her actions.

One example is that when we are having lunch at the cafeteria with the three weirdos with me, they invited Ayane-senpai to join us and sat with us....on my lap.

And then she will say something like 'it's not like i want to seat on your lap, there was just no space available for me to sit in' she would say eventhough there were atleast 8 seats available.

Another weirdo.

Why is the world like this?

When you wish for a peaceful life, your life becomes troublesome instead.

When you wish for points, you get some clingy girls.


Getting back to the topic it seems like Mii-chan was prepared to do this, i didn't support nor discourage her, i am simply a man who needs to do the job on what i was ask for, not a friend.

Mii-chan joined the sewing club since there was a possibility that we might not receive any points by next month again and she wouldn't be able to convince me since she was lacking points.

Mii-chan was prepared for this. Whether she regrets the outcome of her request, is nothing of concern to me.

Her commission was simple.

'Destroy the relationship of Karuizawa and Hirata'

However Mii-chan didn't told me anything in specific how i should make them break-up. She might even not like the results of it.

I still lack information.

Fortunately i have Sato and...Matsushita, she was the one who help me with my first commission where i slept with Sato, and use the photo to blackmail her. She avoided me and my calls after that, however she couldn't avoid me forever.

I already know her before we went to school, afterall we were....neighbors. A few certain events led me to order her around against her will, but that story will be for another time.

These two were close with both of my targets, Karuizawa Kei and Hirata Yosuke, Karuizawa gave me the impression of someone i would never wanted to be with.


Is it because she's headstrong?


Then is it because i'm shy at beautiful girls?

No, why would i be shy when i was surrounded with them?, one wants to even adopt me and make me her real little brother.

Then why i don't want to be near her?

There's one reason.

It's because she's a spendthrift!

One time i saw her and her friends carrying shopping bags, while i was demanding for a discount for a mirror since it was already used.

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