Chapter 10: Millionare

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I was on my way to the faculty, since i was being summoned to the faculty room by Chabashira-sensei.

I left my classroom that was already on chaos as the boys and girls were blaming each other for what happened. Most likely the students from other classes would now be wary from other classes.

Zero class points. In the history of the school it was only our class who managed to do this, aren't they amazing?

I didn't do anything to demerit the class afterall, while our sensei was teaching, i am simply calculating the possibilities of how many points i would need to survive for 3 years.

I knock at the door of the faculty room, and i entered when i heard someone's voice saying 'come in'.

" Oh, if it isn't Ayanokoji-kun" it was a light brown hair who greeted me she was looking at her hand mirror, but she stopped and walk towards me.

I think she also send a commission for me back then, but it was a bit inappropriate and Mashima sensei from class A already dealt with it. although having three girls sleeping in your dorm at night was already inappropriate and high risk for me.

"My name is Hoshinomiya Chie but you can call me Chie-chan!" she smiled as she introduced herself.

"Good morning Hoshinomiya-sensei, Chabashira sensei called me but she's not here" i said as i look around, i also need to go to the swimming area later since we have club training today.

I better charge her for wasting my time.

"Sae-chan is not here, why don't you have a sit inside first?" she offered.

"I'm fine with waiting outside"

"Ehh.. I also want to talk with you Ayanokoji-kun, maybe i can give you some..reward" she whispered as her body was leaning on me as some of the passerby's were looking at us.

This woman is too good she knows my weakness.

By reward, she meant points right?

Hoshinomiya sensei drags me inside while i didn't put any resistance and she made me sit on her chair, it was really comfy and nice to sit on.

I just noticed that there were no other people here aside from us. She went to my back and start massaging my shoulders with her soft hands, it felt good i admit but...

....she won't charge me for this right?!!

"Congratulations Ayanokoji-kun for acing all of the exams, not only you were a great swimmer but you're also good in academics!"

It seems like the instructors from other classes were aware of it, I aced all the test so i could attract some customers who were struggling in academics, with this, they wouldn't doubt me that i am actually capable in academics.

"I just got lucky Hoshinomiya-sensei" i responded, she was still giving me a massage, as her hands went to my neck, i felt her fingertips apply pressure as she slides it down the sides of my neck and sweeping over to my shoulders.

Goodness this woman is too good, was she actaully a massage therapist?

" That's some luck you have Kiyotaka-kun, oh! can i call you Kiyotaka-kun?, i think we would get along a lot" she stopped her massage as her hands went to my chest giving it a few rubs and hugs me from the back, she leaned her head on her arms that was hugging my neck.

If someone see us like these, we would probably misunderstood for a couple.

"You look really handsome by the way, do you already have a girlfriend Kiyotaka-kun?"

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