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you woke up too early that morning, you had a stream planned for that day so you got out of bed and sat down at your chair deciding not to eat yet and edit some videos until it was time for you to start streaming


you had tweeted that you were starting your stream. you went live and were waiting for everyone to get in and to get in a call with your friend evry

"hey bestie" she yelled making you jump

"shhh" you responded

"Sorry sorry," she said "so what are we going to do today" she added

"We can play Minecraft," you said

"evry notice meeeee" said a robot voice

"thank you uglydino44 for the 20" you added

"okay~ let's get on," she said

"ok," you said giggling

you both had gotten into the game and made a new world

"Hello," said a dono

"thank you...wilbur soot for the 40," you said you couldn't help smirking

"wait like THE wilbur soot not like a fan page" evry said frecking out

"yes evry THE wilbur soot," you said rolling your eyes

"OMG you should sing something for him," she said

"did you just say OMG out loud and no" you responded

"please see please please" she begged

"please lol," said another dono from wilbur soot

"ugh fine," you said grabbing your guitar

"I lost myself durin' my ride into the city on the bus
I caught my eyes locked on that
Comfortable position of fallin' in love
If I could, I would drink my troubles down the drain
But I don't wanna drink alone today

I'll drop the act of adolescence and I'll play a new part
I'll try to find where my voice went
And I'll stop breakin' my own heart
I'll laugh along, I'll sing the songs you wanna hear
Let me in, oh, let me near

Honestly, it's a shit show, my God
But it's this show, I want to be there, whoa-oh
Honestly, it's a shit show, my God
But it's this show, I want to be there, oh

I found myself fakin' a smile
And makin' time to shake a hand for a livin'
I dropped my mind somewhere on the one line
And didn't realize 'til I cried on Thanksgiving
The seasons change, the reasons always stay the same
I still have so many songs to name

Honestly, it's a shit show, my God
But it's this show, I want to be there, whoa-oh
Honestly, it's a shit show, my God
But it's this show, I want to be there

Maybe it's a memory or I read it in a magazine
But I swear I'd see your faces staring up at me
Maybe this song is self-aware
And I'm singin' here and you're standin' there
Waitin' for the show to go on

Honestly, it's a shit show, my God
But it's this show, I want to be there, whoa-oh
Honestly, it's a shit show, my God
But it's this show, I want to be there

Honestly, it's a shit show, my God
But it's this show, I want to be there, whoa-oh
Honestly, it's a shit show, my God
But it's this show, I want to be there, oh" you sang out

"That was great" the robot voice read

"see~ it's wasn't that bad," she said

"yeah yeah let's just go back to the game," you said as your face started to heat up

you started getting wood when you got dm

"hi you sounded great" it read

you fell out of your chair when you saw who it was from

"y/u/n are you ok," said every

"no," you said sarcastically

"did you fall out of your chair," she asked

"ugh maybe," you said sitting back down

"see what you made me do lol" you typed to him

"lol" he responded


"ok this is goodbye chat," you said smiling you looked to see wilbur was streaming instantly you raided him

"thank you y/u/n for the raid," said a blond boy loudly

"oh hey y/u/n" you heard wilbur from the corner

you unlocked your phone

"whos the blondy" you asked him

you instantly heard laughing from your pc making you look up to see wilbur on his phone laughing

"that's Tommy lol" he responded


I and Tommy had been streaming for about half an hour and as usual, I was making fun of him while he was being loud. I needed to grab the water I had got up and grabbed it

"thank you y/u/n for the raid" I heard Tommy yell as I started walking over

"oh hey y/u/n," I said I felt butterflies in my stomach

I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it to see it was y/u/n

"who's the blondy" which made me laugh

"that's Tommy lol" I typed back

I sat there contemplating what I was about to to

"Could I have your discord :)" I typed sitting there not knowing if I wanted to send it

out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tommy trying to see over me. then his hands swiftly tapped send and I felt my heart drop

"Tommy," I said looking at him like he had just tried to kill someone

"what you need to get some more wives," he said laughing his head off

I just rolled my eyes looking back at the screen to see three dots appear

"y/u/n#69420" she said

my fingers slid across the screen to discord I quickly typed it in and friended her

"hiii :D" she sent

"would you like to get in a voice call," I asked

"hell yeah >:)" she responded

I went to my pc which annoyed Tommy since he was playing Minecraft and got into a call with her


you started a call you felt your heart skip a beat when you saw him join

"hi," he said as he joined

"Hello," you said

about five seconds later you heard your fire alarm going off

"oh shit" you screamed running to your kitchen

"shit shit shit shit shit" you repeated unplugging the toaster

"sorry my toaster has been broken for a month or so and my roommate plugged it in," you said taking a deep breath

"oh can't you get a new one-" he asked getting cut off by the screaming boy in the background

"are you going to be will's new wife," the boy asked

"TOMMY" wilbur yelled

"what you like her," he said making your eyes go wide

"i- Tommy stoppppp" wilbur whined

you couldn't help and laugh at his whining

"you guys are like-" you got interrupted by someone knocking at your door

"oh all be right back"

hey, I hope you guys like todays chapter. make sure to eat and drink today :)))

words: 1,157

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