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you guys had been streaming for almost an hour when a question poped up

"would you ever date each other"

"well um... maybe," wilbur said

"oh well yeah I guess," you said as your face felt hotter than before

after another hour or so you had stopped your stream

"oh I have to go wilby I'll talk to you again soon," you said

"ok bye," he said smiling at the camera

you hung up and got off your chair you walked over to Oliver's door-knocking loud enough for him to hear you

"come in" he yelled

"hey um can you get food," you asked

"ugh I didn't even eat that much" he complained

"I've barely eaten all week and I bought it last time," you said

"fine but you owe me," he said rolling his eye

"no I don't" you yelled as you were halfway to your room

you sat down in your room but didn't feel like playing anything so you just sat there until you glanced at your wrist

"They hate you"

"you don't have any friends"

"Why are you even alive"

"just cut"

"you're a useless idiot"

"you push away everyone"

"you're going to hurt them"

you stumbled into the kitchen your head felt like it was going to explode you grabbed a knife not caring what one you grabbed. you looked at your wrist you pressed the knife to it as blood started to trickle down you made another a little lower going faster and faster each time you made one until your hand felt kinda numb

"shit" you mumbled grabbing a paper towel cleaning everything and going to your room

you wrapped your arm when you got a call from the one person you didn't want to talk to...wilbur

"Hey," he said as you picked up

"um hi wilbur," you said moving to call your computer

"so what are you doing," he asked

"um...I'm about to play a game" you said

"Hey what's with the wrap on your arm," he asked

you cursed at yourself for not covering it

"oh um I fell and cut my arm" you wanted to laugh at the half-truth

"oh ok," he said

you guys talk for an hour or so

" hey would you be down to hang out we could maybe stream together," he said looking down

"oh I would love to," you said smiling

"ok when can we meet up," he asked

"I'm good tomorrow," you said

"same so we'll see each other at...12 f it's ok with you," he asked

"yeah of course"

you had finished your call with wilbur when you got a dm from a dream

"hi I am dream and I have heard from wilbur soot (he's a simp) that you nice and he wants you to join the dreamsmp :)" the dm said

" hi I would love to join :)" you wrote back

"that's great here's the link to the discord"


you clicked the link and it let you join you opened and instantly looked to see who was online

wilbur soot
Nikki nihachu

everyone else

you only knew Wilbur and kinda dream so you were insanely nervous

dream:) "Hi we have a new person joining the SMP"

y/u/n "hello"

bbh "hi it's nice to meet you"

Wilbur soot "hello person I don't know..."

y/u/n "yup i 100% don't know you wilby XD"

technoblade "hey"

tommyinit "your will's wifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Nikki nihachu "hello :3"

tubbo "hayoooooooo"

tommyinit "women VC nowwww and techno wilbur and tubbo"

you got into a VC

"women are you dating wil yettt" you heard being screeched

"no... your loud" you stated

you heard a voice laugh

"Hi I'm Nikki," a girl said

"hi I'm y/n"

you guys talked for around an hour

"ok I have to head off it's getting late for me so good night," you said

"ok night y/n" nikki said

"night n/n," wilbur said

"good nighttttttt" Tommy yelled

"Sleep well," tubbo said

"night" techno said

you got off the call ad laid down just now realizing you could barely move your arm you fell asleep that night wondering what you were going to do

i hope you guys like it. two parts in one day I'm proud of myself :)). make sure to eat and drink today :3

words: 731

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