Liar liar pants on fire

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"what's all this about," wilbur said messing with his already messed up hair 

"um, my friend wanted to come over," I said glancing at him and seeing him frowning "i- I'm so sorry," I said as my heart tried to escape my chest with how hard it was beating 

"no, no it's fine just warn me next time I look like a mess," He said smirking lightly 

"ok," I said as Grey instantly ran over to him 

"omg you are like wilbur Soot like THE  Wilbur," She said investigating him 

I watched as she looked across his face as he was tired as ever 

"will I think you should head to bed you look sleepy," I said as her fawning over him started to annoy me 

"No he's fine," She said "right will," She said hitting his side lightly 

"um yeah, I was planning on making something here soon," He said moving to the kitchen 

"ok well don't push yourself,"  I said plopping on the couch 

"I won't" He mumbled 

I started watching some random shity tv show, while Grey kept talking to Will. I pulled out my phone and opened TikTok, spending almost an hour though it only felt like a couple of minutes. 

"can I stay the night," Grey asked randomly 

"um it's up to will as it is his house," I said not wanting her to so I left it up to will 

"ok, I can go ask him," She said walking up the stairs 

"K" I hummed 

I watched as she ran up the stairs just for her to run back down a couple of minutes later 

"He said I could stay," She said smiling 

"oh, ok" I said walking up "I'm just going to change real quick," I said 

"oh, ok" I said walking up "I'm just going to change real quick," I said 

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Caption: I LOVE YOUUU @lalalalisa_m

I quickly closed out of Instagram after posting I walked back down to the hell hole. I sat down neither of us say a word as a movie played. 

"omg hi will~" I heard Gray hummed

I glanced over to see Wilbur walking down the stairs. 

"hey" He mumbled sounding as done with her as I was 

"Um Grey I just realized I have to do something tonight um can you go home?" I asked 

"don't worry  I can stay with will~," She said 

"Um, no I have something to do to" He said fast 

"ugh fine I'll go," She said grabbing her shoes and walking out before I had the chance to get up 

"welp, I guess she'll walk" I mumbled going to my room

As soon as I walked it I was greeted by my bed 

"hey what about what you had to do?" I heard will standing in my doorway 

"it was a lie now let me sleep" I mumbled my head already stuffed into my pillow 

OMG, I'M SO SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG. I honestly got so distracted by summer break but I'm writing more I swear. Just so you guys know this may or may not have a fast ending just because I'm running out of ideas and kinda want to start a new story but I want to finish one before I start a brand new one. I love you guys so much <3 

Words: 560

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