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you sat there not truly paying attention to the show infront of you but more wilbur. You quickly snaped a picture of the sleeping man and posted it to your instagram

caption: sleepy boi <3

you turned off your phone before heard wilburs phone go off glancing at it to see a notification go off about your post

"simp" you whispered to his sleeping body

lightly you moved him off you and went to make some food. Once it was done you went to your room and quickly ate up before heading to sleep


you felt your body be drifted back to being awake. You sat up and got some more food before heading to your pc. you started editing a video as soon as you had finished you started up your stream

sorry it's so short i have 0 motovation but i havent posted in a long time.

&quot; just friends&quot; {wilburxreader}Where stories live. Discover now