dreams...more like nightmeres

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you walked around in a cold empty forest. no shoes, no clothes, no food, no wilbur

"WIL" you called out


"WILBUR WERE ARE YOU" you screamed at the top of your lungs making them sting

"will," you said a little over a whisper

you sat down taking a deep breath the cold air making your lungs sting worse soon you decided to keep looking for anything...anyone

"WIL PLEASE COME OUT" you screamed again

you walked onto a trail. quickly running to find the man you had so desperately been looking for


that's when you saw it ahead. you ran as fast as you could to it

"WIL I'M HERE WIL" you screamed

you ran into him grabbing for what you needed most...a hug to fell instantly feeling dust scrap against your cold, fragile skin almost instantly the dust became hard and sharp. you were no longer in a dark forest but instead on the floor with him in front of you standing tall and proud. glass all around you some in your skin

"Why the hell did you speak to my friends like that" he yelled grabbing a bigger piece of glass "you deserve this you dumb idiot," he said

you felt a sharp pain in your arm as he cut it

"go fucking die an idiot," he said cutting your stomach

"y/n," he said

"y/n," he said again but having a slight accent

"y/n," he said the accent got thicker

you felt your eyes flutter open to see wilbur

"y/n are you okay," he said

you didn't answer you just wrapped your arms around his lanky body

"wil" you mumbled into his chest

"y/n you're making my shirt wet," he said chuckling a little

you pulled away that's when you realized you were crying, no...sobbing

"s- sorry," you said wiping the tears away

"it's okay if you don't mind me asking what was your dream about?" he asked

"nothing wil you don't have to worry about it," you said finally stoping the tears

"would you like some food?" he asked you

"no thank you I'm not hungry" you mumbled standing up to see he had set up your pc

"did you do that?" you asked

that was such a dumb question you instantly thought

"oh yeah we can put it in a different place if you want," he said

"no no it looks lovely," you said hugging him again

you walked overturning it on. instantly you saw you had 100+ messages from Oliver since you forgot to block him

"ugh" you mumbled seeing them

"what is it," wilbur said standing next to you

"Oliver" you mumbled

"your roommate?" he questioned

"yup" you mumbled

Oliver hey I just want to apologize
I'm so sorry
I was an idiot
please come live with me
or I can live with that guy
we've been friends longer than you and him
how do you even trust him not to rape you just like your dear old dad did or your ex
come one you can trust me
you can't trust him
you've never even been around him for more than a day
I'll pay the rent
I promise
I have the money
I did it for you
I got a job
I'll let you smoke in the house unlike him
he's an ugly ass idiot
he can't cook pancakes the way I did
I'll make music with you
he deff can't sing
come on
please baby
I just want to fuck you (and date) please
I love you <33
when are you coming home?
I'm coming to pick you up
you need to be near me
he's going to hurt you
come on
I need you

you sighed at the messages

y/n I'm blocking you bye bye~

you typed as you blocked him on everything. you walked downstairs to the smell of coffee

"I need like five gallons of that," you said laughing and so did wilbur

"here," he said smiling handing you a cup" so...why were you saying my name in your sleep~" he teased you

"i- I was looking for you," you said taking a big sip of your coffee

"mhm" he hummed

you both sat there chatting about random things for almost an hour

"shit I have to stream," you said

you turned your stuff on and started screaming and making sure to start recording your streams

"do you want me to leave or can I stay," he asked

"you can stay if you want," you said smiling lightly looking back for a second

"hello chat," you said spinning around in your chair like you almost always did "today were joining a new SMP...THE AFTERLIFE MINECRAFT SMP," you said smiling wide

you got in instantly it picked avin

"cool chat we're going to be a birb" you said smiling

you had spent about two hours playing getting all iron arm considering you were manly exploring while wilbur sat there silently watching you not in the view of your chat.

"okay chat we'll see you next time...and maybe I'll tell you about the change of background," you said laughing before getting off raiding Tommy

ok I hope you like today's chapter. just to clarify your streaming setup is downstairs and just pretend wilbur doesn't have an office anymore and is now upstairs. have a great day and make sure to eat and drink today~  :D

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