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you woke up to wilbur lightly shaking you with the biggest smirk on his face

"good morning" you said before you yawned as your body streached out

"so~ what are you watching" he humed

you looked at your screen to see wilburs face but it was a different vod from what you were watching before you fell asleap

"o- oh i- sorry" you said clicking off the tab

"it's fine dude" he said messing with your hair while walking to grab some food

you sat up and trudged over to him

"shit i need to take a shower" you said relizing you had completely forgoten as you face burned bright

"oh same" he said " you can hop in just tell me when your done" he said gesturing to the bathroom

"ok" you said going to grab some clothes and your towel

you walked to the bathroom. you soon completely striped while tring your best not to glance at the mirror but soon you did and once you glanced you couldn't look away. you sat there for what felt like hours on hours but in truth it was only about two, maybe three minutes. you felt disgust take over your mind so you turned around quickly hoping in the shower. you washed your body and hair. you got out and put a black hoodie with the words 'you talk to much' writen in white on the back and some sweats that had smily faces on them but they kinda looked like they were being melted (hopfully you know what i'm talking about).

"i'm out" you said walking down stairs

"okay" wilbur said heading up

you ploped on the choch and started your favorite show. you sat there for almost thirty minutes when wilbur came down his hair wet and flopping in his face. You couldn't hlp gigling at his messy apperance as he sat down next to you. you brought his face to your lap subconsciously making both you faces hot

"s- sorry i- i don't know what came over me" you stuttered setting him bring his face back up

"i can lay like that...i- if you want" he said his face growing red by the second

"realy" you said letting happyness slip into your voice "i- i mean okay" you said tring to play it off cool but failing

you felt his wet hair damped your sweats just a little as his head was placed onto your lap once again. you meekly put your hand through out his head you gentaly massaging his slick hair. after about a half an hour you heard him in a deep slumber and you couldn't help but smile at that.

hello I hope you like this chapter. make sure you eat and drink today <3

&quot; just friends&quot; {wilburxreader}Where stories live. Discover now