fuck him

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you woke up that morning to a knock at your door you quickly walked up and answered

"Hello Mrs. l/n?" a man in a suit said

"um yes," you said

"We are sorry to tell you that you can no longer stay here as you have not paid your bills for the past five months," the man said

"what I thought my roommate paid them," you said as you guys made a deal he paid six months then you did

"well I'm sorry but they didn't so I need you and your roommate to leave by next week," he said walking away

you walked to your room and started packing since you didn't want to wait so you could find a place fast

wilbur hey wyd?

y/u/n packing

wilbur why?

y/u/n I was just kicked out because my roommate hasn't paid the bill :'(

wilbur do you have somewhere to stay??

y/u/n nope

wilbur you can stay with me

y/u/n no wil that's too much of me to ask of you I'll be fine

wilbur no if you don't have anywhere to go then you should come and stay with me

y/u/n are you sure?

wilbur yes 100%

y/u/n ok, I promise I won't be annoying :)

wilbur be as annoying as you want idc :))

y/u/n thank you so much

wilbur np so when do you have to be out

y/u/n I have a week

wilbur I can come down and help you

y/u/n  you don't have to

wilbur too bad I'm already in my car

y/u/n well you might want to know my address

wilbur oh shit your right lol

y/u/n  lol it's (random-ass address)

wilbur  ok NOW I'm headed over

y/u/n ok I'll unlock my door

wilbur kk

you grabbed some boxes you had from when you moved in

"hey where are you going," Oliver asked

"were being kicked out because you didn't pay the bills," you said pissed off

"oh~ it is my turn isn't it oops," he said laughing a little "can you cover me," he asked

"um no did you not hear me were being kicked out and even if we had time to pay it I don't have the money," you said "and will's come over to help me pack," you said getting more boxes out

"you still like that guy he's an idiot," he said

"you just upset I didn't want to go out with you," you said not looking at him

"listen here you little slut" he said turning you around and grabbing your neck "you will shut the fuck up okay?" he said 

you simply nodded. you felt his hands snake around your waist going up your shirt

"pleases- stop" you said cursing at yourself for stuttering

"what are you gonna do call your little boyfriend" he said groping your chest

"hey y/n- oh sorry" you heard Wilbur's voice

"WIL" you yelled feeling Oliver's hands move from around you

"fuck you," he said to you and wilbur as he left the room

you ran up to wilbur instantly hugging him and trying not to cry

"what happened," he said hugging back

"it's nothing I'm happy you're here," you said hearing him hum in response

"oh um we have to get my stuff packed," you said letting him go

he walked over to your dresser grabbing some clothes as you grabbed all your nic naks in a box


you and wil were laying on the floor tired

"oh shit I forgot one more thing," you said sitting up going into your unused closet

you grabbed the pack of cigarettes and the black lighter with a skull on it

"do you smoke," wil said sitting up

"some times...I won't do it in the house" you said looking up at him

"...sorry I just didn't think you would smoke," he said

"like I said I don't much but when I need to relax I do," you said putting them in a box

"ok," he said grabbing one of the boxes

you grabbed a box and you guys went back and forth until there were no more

"is that it?"wil asked as you put the last box in

"yup" you answered

"ok then let's get on the road," he said

you went in the passenger's seat as he hoped in next to you. He turned on some music and you sang some of the songs with him. after a little you guys got to his house

"I have a guest room and you can put your stuff in there," he said popping the trunk and grabbing a box

you grabbed a box back and forth again soon finishing

"I'll only be staying here until I have enough money I promise," you said

"it's okay I like having you around," he said smiling "you wanna watch a movie?" he asked

"oh yeah" you answered

you sat down as he walked over and grabbed a big blanket

"so what do you wanna watch," he asked

"hmm do you have f/m," you asked

"Yup," he said turning it on

you laid down on one end of the couch and he laid on the other covered in a huge fluffy blanket. after a little more than an hour, you noticed that wil was half asleep. you crawled under the blankets sneaking up to his chest before tickling him

"ah y/n," he said grabbing you by the waist and tickling you back making both of you have a fit of laughter

you tried to move out of his grip but he didn't let you so you kept tickling him as you both wiggled soon enough you fell off the couch together still laughing

"dummy," you said ruffling his hair

"you started it," he said looking up at you since he was laying on your stomach

"uh no you did...by falling asleep," you said giggling

"oh ok~," he said sarcastically

"oh oh this is the best part," you said sitting up

wil sat up with you as he looked at you your eyes were glued to the tv

"isn't that so fucking cool," you said looking at him

"yeah," he said laughing

you started getting tired so you laid down

"come here," wilbur said sleepily

you crawled over to him laying your head on his chest as his arms wrapped around you

"good night wil" you mumbled into him

'good night y/n" he said back

you both soon fell asleep. you felt safe like no one could hurt you...soon that feeling would be long gone

I hope you like this chapter. make sure you eat and drink today :)


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