She knows

437 9 2

I walked down the street. I had memorized the path to their house. Soon enough I got there and knocked on the door I was instantly pulled into a tight hug

"Hey guys," I said hugging back

They instantly started gossiping about random topics 

"so y/n do you have a boyfriend yet," asked Lo 

"Yeah, you have to by now," Gray said

"well not really" I mumbled 

"what does that mean," Lo asked

"well there's a guy that's really nice but I doubt he likes me," I said embarrassed I had to admit it 

"who is he" they asked together

"um he's a guy," I say not wanting them to spam the poor man's Twitter 

"ugh come on can't you trust us?" Lo asked 

"no not with this," I said simply 

The conversation went on for hours I never really knew if it was going to end. Soon I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. 

Wilbur Soot 

Hey, when are you coming home? 


Idk, probably around 9:45 

Wilbur Soot 

Ok, text me when you're heading back :D


Will do ↖(^ω^)↗

"ooo who are you texting~" Lo 

"no one" I whined 

I glanced at the time to see it was 8:16 and I put my phone back into my pocket 

"So how're the kids," I asked Lo

"good," She said forgetting the topic

We went back to talking about random topics

"Oh I've been watching a new streamer," Gray said smiling 

"who?" I asked 

"His name is Wilbur Soot and he is so dreamy I wish I could meet him," She said her smile getting bigger 

"and by meet you mean date," Lo said knowing how she fell in love fast 

"ok, maybe," She said " I applied for an editing job for him," She said 

"Oh god," I muttered to myself 

"what?" She asked 

"oh you just um a really big simp," I said 

She brushed it off and continued to ramble about how hot she thought he was until it was time for me to go home

"oh I have to head home," I said grabbing my things 

"hey, y/n can I come over I got in a fight with my roommate," Gray asked 

"oh um yeah but you can't spend the night or anything " I stuttered grabbing my phone 

"ok," she said happily


Hey, I'm heading home one of my friends is going to stay for a little 

Wilbur Soot 


I got into my car and started driving Gray and me back to the house. Once we got there my heart instantly picked up scared of what she was going to do when she saw him. 

"come on in," I said opening the door 

She walked in and my heart dropped as I saw wilbur. She instantly looked at me with her eyes wide 


"s- sorry I just don't want many people to know," I said walking father inside 

"ooh so you're ashamed of me," He said leaning on me slightly 

"w- what no you know how people would react if they knew they would start to think-" I rambled 

"I know I know," He said patting my head 

"We just gotta wait" I said  

"Yup," he said smiling as he walked up to Grey "so if you could please don't tell anyone," He asked 

"o- of course not" She said 

Hey, so I don't think many people saw but I won't be able to write as much as I'm working on a story and it's taking a lot of time but I will try to write on my other ones (including this one) as well :)

words: 605

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