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you woke up that morning the first thing you tried to do was move your arm unluckily it was almost completely numb. you looked at the time to see it was 11:49 you sighed as you got up and changed.

wilbur are you coming today?

y/u/n yup I just got ready I'm heading out now

you snapped a picture and posted(you don't have to you can change it)

you snapped a picture and posted(you don't have to you can change it)

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caption: @wilbursoot heading to someone's place for a stream~

you walked down to the train.


you walked up to an office looking back at the text so you didn't walk into the wrong room. you knocked on the door he had said was his

"hello- oh hi, " he said realizing it was you

"hi," you said

you guys stood in the doorway for a minute not knowing what to say or do

"um do you wanna come in," he said giving a warm smile

"Yeah," you said walking in

he pulled up a seat and you sat down with him

"so you wanna start the stream or talk or we can play some games," he asked

"oh we can do anything I'm free all day," you said smiling

"so then we should stream first so we have time to go out," he said starting up his stream

"ok," you said

you wanted to spin in your chair but the one he gave you was metal and you frowned at that for a second before going back to a slight smile

"what's wrong," he said seeing the quick change from your smile to frown to smile

"it's dumb," you said

"tell me please~" he begged

"I was going to spin but the chair isn't exactly the most spinny," you said rubbing the back of your neck

"oh you can use mine," he said standing up

"no no I'm fine I'm just used to spinning it's nothing," you said as you started feeling bad

"no you're the guest," he said

"no no no I'm fine really," you said before he picked you up and sat you in his chair and sat in yours

you looked at his pc to see his camera to see that 12k people had already joined and saw the scene that had just played out

"wilby~" you whined

"n/n~" he mocked

"do you see how he treats me chat" you joked

you watched chat fly by most of them saying "save y/n"

" just friends" {wilburxreader}Where stories live. Discover now