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it was around 2 PM and you couldn't sleep every time you closed your eye's flashing of your nightmare from last night popped into your head. so you grabbed the cigarettes and some money quickly writing a note so wilbur didn't get worried

I'm going out to smoke and maybe get a drink call me if you need something :)

you pushed it to the fridge before walking out you light the cigarette before inhaling you felt as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulder you smoked one before crushing it into the ground then walked over to a gas station to see if they had any beer or wine at all. as soon as you walked in you saw a couple of cases of beer. after buying one of the smaller cases you walked to find a place to be alone soon enough you had walked to some random place you texted wilbur where you were in case you got too drunk. you drank and drank and drank until there wasn't anything else to drink so you pulled out the lighter. you looked around to see no one was even up at this time so you pulled your pants up. you felt the hot sting of the fire as tears streamed out of your eyes. you didn't know why you felt the need to hurt yourself then it all came flooding back.

"I'm so fucking done" you mumbled putting your pants back down

you went back to smoking before you knew it the sun was coming up and you were getting a call

"hayo," you said slurring a little

"where are you," he said "oh the message just went through I'm coming to pick you up," he said sounding worried

"why my love?" you asked

"i- um you can't be wandering around without someone sober," he said

"ugh fine~," you said

"ok I'm on my way stay where you are," he said

after about 10 minutes you saw Wilbur's car pull up and you stumbled over to him

"hey~," you said sitting on the seat

wilbur drove the whole way while you sat there picking at his hand which was in the middle of the car

"you have pretty hands" you mumbled

"thank you drunk y/n," he said back

"you know I hate myself but love you I think that's why I wanna push you away so much you're just too good for me" you let out "it's quite funny huh" you mumbled

you rested your head on his hand after a little you arrived home and you woke up a little after you did

"come on," he said opening your door

"thank you," you said trying not to fall asleep

"here," he said picking you up as sleepiness took over

you heard him humming a song when you felt the comfort of the bed surrounding you

"wilbur~" you whined "stay," you said grabbing your arm

"ok I'll sit here until you sleep," he said sitting next to your head so you plopped your head on his lap

"you're too kind to me," you said as he rubbed his hand through your hair "I'm just 'the girl who wants to die," you said quoting the kids in school plus your mother

"you're so much more than that," he said before you went to sleep

hi guys this is one of my shorter chapters but I hope you like it. make sure you eat and drink today <33

&quot; just friends&quot; {wilburxreader}Where stories live. Discover now