coffee and tears

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you woke up alone again the show was still going. you got up and walked to the kitchen where wilbur was

"hey" you mumbled to him grabbing a cup

"Hello," he said

you poured your coffee in with sugar and creamer and took a big sip

"wil?" you said

"yeah" he responded

"can I tell people were living together until I can find somewhere new?" you asked

"oh um yeah I don't mind just make sure to tell them we're not dating," he said chuckling

you walked to your room as you finished your coffee. you sat down and just sat in the corner of your room on the floor considering you didn't feel like sitting on your bed. you sat there for what felt like a couple of minutes when in reality it was almost five hours

"y/n I'm heading to the shops you wanna come" you heard wilbur yell from downstairs

"Nah I'm good" you yelled back

"okay I'll be back in about an hour," he said

you heard the door open and close. you sat there some more the memories popping up in your head every so often then they came faster and faster until they were almost flashing through. you grabbed onto the side of your head

'stop shut up' you thought banging on your head

'you know how to stop it'

'just do it

'no no no I can't' you thought 

but the thoughts got too much so you stumbled downstairs and grabbed the cold knife running to your room. you sat back down in the same spot making cut after cut after cut soon your arm was a crimson red. you trudged downstairs washing the knife off before going to the bathroom and wrapping up the wounds. you sat back at the spot just sitting there crying when you heard a knock on your door

"g- go away" you whispered

"y/n are you okay" you heard his voice which soothed you slightly

"go away wil" you begged again

"y/n I'm coming in," he said

you heard the door creak open 

"what's wrong?" he asked

"i- I don't feel like talking about it" you mumbled as he sat next to you

"that's okay," he said wrapping his arm around you

you cuddled up around him. You felt tears prick the corners of your eye's after about ten minutes you were sobbing into his side

"shh your okay" he hummed to you

you felt his hand rub your back gently as the tears flooded out of your eyes.

"Please don't leave me" you mumbled as sleep soon washed over your body

hi I hope you guys like this chapter. make sure you eat and drink today. <3

&quot; just friends&quot; {wilburxreader}Where stories live. Discover now