
710 14 6

TW: self-harm, suicidal thoughts

you walked up to the door to see Oliver standing there

"why didn't you just use your key" you asked him

"umm..." he mubbled

"you lost it again didn't you" you deadpanned

"...maybe~" he said

you rolled your eyes at him and went back to your room

"sorry my roomates an idiot" you said

"ok but she might like youuu" you heard tommy scream

"we barly know each other" wilbur argued

"um hello" you interrupted the boys fighting

"oh hi y/u/n" tommy said

"...hi" wilbur said

"my roomate couldn't get in" you said letting some anger slip through your voice

"are you okay" wilbur asked

"yeah i'm just... done with life you know" you said keeping your head down

you knew what was about to happen so you needed a way to get out of the call fast

"hey um i have to make dinner and take shower so i'll be getting off i'll talk to you guys later" you said hoping that they wouldn't see through your lie

"oh bye then" wilbur said

"byeee y/u/nnnnnnnnnn" tommy screeched from the backround

"bye will" you said "and bye loud boy" you said shoving a laugh out of your throat

you hung up as soon as you could. you scrunched your body into a ball like shape as you felt the tears pushing there way out

"there going to think your crazy getting angery over nothing" you thought making the tears pool over

" just do it no one will care"

"do it"

"your just a fat ugly bother to everyone your around"

"fucking do it already"

before you knew it you had a knife in your hand the same knife your sister gave you. You made a cut after cut after cut going down your wrist. It had never  cease to amaze you how it never hurt as bad as you thought it would. Soon you moved to your legs making more cuts then you could count

"HEY I'M HEADING OUT I'LL NEED YOU TOO LET ME IN" oliver yelled from the door

"OKAY" you said back trying to sound as happy as you could

you heard the door shut sighing to yourself before getting up and walking to the kitchen. you had been holding a towl to your arms and legs until the bleeding had finaly stopped you wrapped them up before putting sweat pants and a hoodie on. your arm felt numb which wasn't unsual after you cut that bad. you went back to your computer and called wilbur again since it had been almost an hour since you hung up

"hey" he said

"hi..." your voice came out weak

"are you okay" you could hear him sit down as he spoke

"yep i couldn't be better" you lied

"ok" he said

"so what are you doning" you asked him

"playing geogessr" he said laughing making you laugh with him "what are you doing" he added

"oh nothing much just about to play some halo" you said

"oh cool i've been meaning to play that lately"

i hope you guys like this chapter . make sure you eat and drink today <:

words: 526

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