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you woke up still in the cornor but with wilbur's arms wrapped around you and you on his chest. you looked up at him to see he was still asleap you unwraped yourself from him befrore walking down stairs. you looked at the slamon that you were going to make tonight deciding to make it right now since it looked around room temp. You grabed the nonstick pan and put oil on it before starting to cook it.

"hey" you heard wilbur's tired voice say coming down just as you finished

"good mor- well technecly night" you said as plated the slamon "would you like some?" you asked

"sure" he said streching showing off his lanky figure

you handed him a plate and both of you sat down and begain eating. he finished soon before you did but once you did he grabed your plate

"oh i can wash that" you said standing up

"well you made the food so i'll clean" he said walking to the sink

"are you sure?" you mumbled looking at him

"yup" he said smiling

you walked over to him and sat down on the counter next to the sink. you guys talked until he was done before he headed to his room while you walked to your chair and started streaming

"hello everyone, how are you?" you asked the screan

you saw the chat go by fast, to fast to read you kept talking while getting into mincraft and onto your solo server

"so~ today were going to play some mincraft" you said as you started recording

you kept streaming until almost 5 AM

"okay chat i'm going to head to bed so that will be good night i'll see you later"  you said raiding tubbo and heading to twitter

tweet: that was a nice stream with you all if you missed it it will be up on my channel soon <3

you went to youtube and started watching a wilbur vod though about half an hour in your eye's fell heavy but you pushed them open but when ever it fell even for a second it felt nice and calming soon giving in to the erge to fall into a peaceful slumber.

hey i hope you guys like this chapter it was very rushed sorry. mae sure you eat and drink <3

&quot; just friends&quot; {wilburxreader}Where stories live. Discover now