"just a friend"

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I woke up, still half-asleep I walked down the stairs. I felt my ankle twist and fell down 

"y/n" Was the last thing I heard before my eyes closed 

When I awoke, Wilbur was there his face was full of worry. I finally relized where I was...A hospital my heart rate instantly picked up. 

"will why am I here" I mumbled 

"you fell" He said not looking up 

"o- oh" I sighed sitting up 

"no you have to lay down" He said finally looking up to me 

His eyes were red and puffy, as if he had been crying it matched up with his already somber face. he lightly pushed my body back down.

"are you ok will?" I asked 

"y/n..." He mumbled "you scared me so much" He said cupping my cheek 

"I'm so sorry will I didn't mean to I was so sleepy when I woke up I should have just woke up some more, i'm so sorry-" I said guilt instantly hitting me 

"I love you y/n" He sad cutting me off 

"w- what" I said my eyes were wide and blush dusting my ears 

"I love you, you scared me so bad but I love you so much" He said as his face turned a dark red "c- can I um kiss you?" He said avoding eye contact 

I didn't give a response before pushing harshly into his lips, his lips were shockingly soft. his hands caressed my face. 

"I love you too" I said as we pulled away 

"does that mean were like...-" 

"are you asking me if I wanna be your girlfriend?" I asked him 

"maybe?" He said making me laugh 

"I would love to you big dummy" I said laughing at his awkwardness

I felt him push into me once again, I instantly melted into his kiss. 

"um can I leave?" I asked 

"I think so, they already check and said everything was fine it was just a hard hit but no damage was made" He said "but take things slow I don't want you to get hurt again" He added 

"ok ok I will" I said getting up 

We walked to his car, I sat down comfortably and he drove us home. We walked inside to a older woman her hair was cut short and was blond with a couple white strands 

"um hi mom" wilbur said looking down 

"hello son, who's this?" She asked studing me 

"she's just my friend" He said glancing at me 

"fuck you" I mumbled walking to my room 

"that asshole we start dating and he decieds to be a dick" I said as I shut the door "not even and hour and he's already fucked up" I said crawling onto my bed 

I heard a strong knock on my door, I didn't say anything as I didn't want anyone seeing me 

"y/n i'm sorry" I heard his voice only making my anger worse 

"sorry for what being a masive dick head?" I said venom spilling into my voice 

"y/n it's just...My mom she would start judging you i'll tell her if that's what you want" He said 

"of course I want you to tell her, I don't want you being scared to tell people your dating me that hurts me more than anything your mom could say" I said I could almost hear how bad that hurt him 

"i- i'm sorry i'll tell everyone, i'm love you" He said 

"thank you" I said cuddling my pillow 

"can I come in?" He asked 

"yeah" I mumbled 

He walked in, and instantly crawled next to me. 

"I love you so much" He mumbled 

"I love you too" I said pushing my face into his chest 

We stayed like that for a couple hours before his phone rang 

"hello mom?" He said and my heart droped 

She said something I couldn't understand on the other side 

"oh yeah um well my girlfriend got mad so I had to make it up to her" He said looking to 

A smile instantly appeared on my face. 

"yeah she's my girlfriend" He said "mom I love her that's all that matters ok?" He said hanging up 

"what did she say?" I asked perpared for the worse 

"you don't wanna know" he said snuggling into me 

"No I do wanna know" I said 

"she said that you weren't someone I should date and that I could do better" He said holding me tightly "but that's all lies" He said 

"oh" I mumbled 

And just like that we fell asleep. 

Sorry it's a fast ending but I think it came out rather good :)

" just friends" {wilburxreader}Where stories live. Discover now