Chapter 55

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Some scenes in this first half of the chapter describe homophobia and supposed self-harm or suicide. These may be sensitive to some readers.

" We are threatened with suffering from three directions: from our body, which is doomed to decay..., from the external world which may rage against us with overwhelming and merciless force of destruction, and finally from our relations with other men... This last source is perhaps more painful to use than any other. "

- Sigmund Freud

(Dream Sequence)

In the most aesthetic and luxurious area of the slave den, the pink Kree man with wavy golden locks busied walking on the white walled hallway and pushed a large cart, holding some two wooden crates. He looked around and saw the female slaves in white long sleeved gowns fell in a queue and waited for their turn in meeting their new handlers. Amnon-Selah felt sorry and sadly sighed at them when he paused walking and pushing.

" I wonder why Kasius had brought them here, " he thought deeply.

Without any notice, he was being grabbed and pulled by a long reptilian tail with sharp spikes and wounds. Amnon was struggling to break free and angrily moaning. He looked around and saw it was SCP-682 who dragged him away. The Kree was terrified in seeing him and remembering those horrible experiences at the MTF Facility in California. The indestructible lizard was evilly grinning and dragging him away.

" LET ME GO! LET ME GO! " Amnon sharply cried.

" Well, it's about time to see your new handler, " 682 scoffed. " He is surely waiting for your unlikely meeting. "

Amnon-Selah tried to break free from the mad lizard's clutches, but he couldn't. The grip of 682 was not that easy to let go. He was brought to a queue of female slaves, being matched and paired to each male handler. Amnon was the only male who was brought to the prostitute's area. He was indignantly glaring at SCP-682 and angrily clenched his both fists.

" 682, Damn you! Why did you bring me here for Hala's Sakes?! " the pink Kree heatedly spat.

" You will meet your highest bidder, " the indestructible lizard spoke and darkly chuckled.

" I'll purchase this blonde humanoid man for 100 Billion Pamas, " a deep male voice echoed.

Amnon moved his head around and got terrified where the voice had come from. He was twitching his eyes and shaking in fear when he saw another lizard with the same height and build as him. He had hard orange scales. The reptilian gave the Kree slave a seductive grin and paid the blue skinned overlord the amount.

" Amnon-Selah the pink Kree is sold to our highest bidder, Draco Nephtys, " Kasius confirmed.

" Just perfect, " Draco smirked and stood from his seat where the bidders were sitting.

SCP-682 released his victim and violently pushed him. Amnon fell down on the floor and moaned. The other lizard Draco smiled and helped the pink Kree to stand up. Then, he cupped his left hand on the humanoid man's face. Amnon became more uncomfortable and shaking than ever. He was sweating profusely, nervously gulping, and slowly stepping away from his new handler.

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