Daniel Ricciardo [This is your fault]

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A/N Wished by no one but I still wanted to write it (:

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Exhausted I stop walking halfway up the stairs and place one of my hands on the railing to keep myself steady. Taking a deep breath, I place my second hand on my belly in which my baby is doing some acrobatics right now. Who would have thought that the simple task of walking up the stairs would be so difficult? For another moment I stay where I am, try to calm the little one inside of me with gently rubbing over my belly before I carefully walk up the last steps of the stairs.

Completely exhausted I finally arrive at the second floor and ring the bell of my best friend's apartment. She opens it and hugs me as much as it is possible with the big belly.

"Is it bigger than the last time?" She asks me with a laugh on the lips while I try to get rid of my shoes which is a difficult task too.

"Oh, believe me I think it grows every time nobody is watching it." With a suffering tone in my voice, I place one of my hands on my belly again just like I do most of the time.

"When is the due date again? It can't be that long anymore." Is the next question of my friend and I pull my face into a grimace.

"It could start any minute." I admit and continue talking "This is the reason I am here. Daniel is just overprotective and slowly I go nuts with him. Every time I flinch or breath a little different, he asks if the baby is coming."

The face of my friend is a mixture of amused and worried. Yes, the imagination of an excited Daniel is funny, but he still goes on my nerves. "But isn't it a good sign that he is worried about you?" "Yes, but sometimes it is just too much." Daniel was worried since the beginning of the pregnancy but over the last weeks he is just a little to protective for my liking.

"Can I ask you a question?" My friend asks me and crosses the silence with it. "You just did but I allow you to ask another one." I groan and she rolls her eyes at me because of my broken humour. "Does he know about the baby?" Is her question and an unpleasant shiver is my reaction to it.

"No and I don't want to change it." My voice is ice cold, and I don't look at my friend instead I fixate a point at the wall. "But shouldn't your father know that you will get a child?" She asks again but I stay cold.

"He lost his right to know about my kids when I was I child. I was not a boy and because of this not good enough for him. No, he will not know that I am about to have a son." I defend my position and now my friend is not saying anything.

After some time, my phone starts ringing and without even looking I know that this is Daniel calling. "Hey Daniel." I greet him with a smile and my friend starts to smile too. "How are my two-favourite people in the world?" Danie asks and even though I wouldn't admit it, it is extremely sweet of him to care so much about us.

"We are feeling great. Do you need anything?" I ask him back and he is laughing softly at my words. "You know me. I am grocery shopping and wanted to ask you if you want something specific, I could bring with me?" The born gentleman, isn't he? The poor guy had to listen to some harsh words from me because I had cravings during the pregnancy and blamed him if something wasn't at our house.

"You don't need to. We are both completely happy." I reassure him and he takes a relieved breath. "Okay, will you be home soon?" He asks, almost shyly and a soft smile spread on my lips. I am away for around two hours, and he seems to be missing us.

"Yes, I will be back soon but only if you start cooking." I give him a condition he needs to fulfil for me to come back.

"I start right away." Daniel promises me and after a short goodbye we both hang up.

"He is missing me." I explain with a grin and my friend nods understanding. "Don't let him wait too long." Is her respond and after a last little chat she helps me with getting my shoes back on. I cannot see or reach my feet and need some help with it.

We hug each other tightly and after this I need to walk done these stairs again. It is the longest part of my way home getting down the stairs even though I waddle more than I walk at the moment. Back home the smell of delicious food greets me, and my mood directly lifts.

"Welcome home pretty woman." Daniel greets me with a smile and gives me a soft kiss. "Food is ready in a few you can sit down if you want to. How was the time with you friend?" While speaking Daniel already walked back into the kitchen and I sit down at the table, watching him finish the food.

"Well, it was great to talk for a bit." I try to stay vague over the afternoon, but Daniel knows me and seems to know that something went wrong. "But?" He asks and hands me a plate with noodles. Daniel always knows when something is wrong only by listening to my voice.

"She asked me if my father knows about the baby and that he has a right to be informed about it. I told her he has no right to know about this child because he didn't care about me when I was one." I feel the anger bubble in my stomach and immediately Daniel is by my side and tries to calm me down. His hands are placed on my shoulders and massage them softly, while muttering some soft word.

"Shh, you need to calm down a bit." I grab his hand and give it a soft squeeze, trying to relax and calm my fast heartbeat down again. "You are right, he doesn't have to know about our little wonder." Daniel continuous speaking and the mixture of his voice and his touch helps me to calm down. Relaxing I lean my head against his chest and can feel my heartbeat calming down.

After this little break we continue eating before we lay down on the sofa to cuddle a bit. Our son starts to do his acrobatics again and sometimes hits against some organs or bones. When his fist or his foot, I am not completely sure, hits my rips I flinch because of the pain.

"This is all your fault." I grumble at Daniel "Just because of you I don't fit in my favourite clothes, I can't see my feet anymore and someone is beating me up from the inside." I whine and Daniel starts to smile.

"I hope it is my fault, if not I would love to know who the father of the little one is." Daniel smiles cheekily and I roll my eyes at him.

"You know that you are an idiot?" I ask him but with a loving smile on the lips. "Well, you picked me and known before what you got yourself into." Daniel says and stretches his body a bit. We cuddle for a few more minutes before I need to stand up. Daniel opens one of his eyes in a questioning manner and I simply point to the bathroom.

The little one is pressing onto my bladder, and I need to go to the toilet more often. On my way back to the living room something wet drips down my leg. Shocked I watch my light jeans turning dark and for a moment I am frozen.

"Daniel?" I shout after my boyfriend "A little change of our plans for the evening."

I can hear how confused Daniel sounds when he walks to the hallway. "What do you mean? What are we going to do?" He asks and when he spots my wet jeans his eyes get wider.

"We are going to have a baby, my water just broke."

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