I walk into my room and am surprised to see Callio, Stanley, and Gladys, our three pet octopuses, lying on my bed. After playing with them for a bit and changing my sweatshirt, I join my family in the kitchen where they're all contributing to making our dinner. Finn and Ray are pealing the cucumbers and tomatoes, Angel and Nemmy are washing them, and Mom and Dad are chopping them up and putting them into a big bowl. I step in after them and am adding sliced olives and onions to the mix.
Ten minutes later, we're all sitting around the dining room table, eating our tomato salad. "So, Topaz," Dad begins. "How was camp?"
"It was great. This girl, Alyssum, and I hung out the entire time. She's actually-" Then the walls begin to shake. So do the floor and ceiling. Crashing sounds can only be heard. Nemmy starts to cry and jumps under the table. "Dad! What's happening?" I shout as a family photo crashes to the ground, the glass frame shattering. Calio, Stanley, and Gladys swim in and attach themselves to me, Finn and Ray.
"All of you, go outside! Now!" Dad scoops up Angel and Nemmy and herds us all through the front door. To my surprise, all the neighbours are swimming along side us. Mines are dropping from above us and are exploding on the ocean floor. Everyone gathers under The Rock, a deep cave that the kids on the block play in. We're all sitting against the walls of the cave.
After an hour, the mines stop falling and the older mermen swim out cautiously. Dad whips out his cell phone and furiously dials. By the way he's talking, I can tell he's on the line with his office. Dad is the Head of Paradise Cove Security. Paradise Cove is the capital city of Atlantis, which is the largest realm in the seven seas.
Dad swims back into the cave, his expression grim. "Everybody," he announces. "I have some bad news. We have just been attacked by the Poseidonians." We all gasp. Poseidonia is the realm right next to ours. Recently, our relationship has been a little tense. But no one thought it would lead to this! "Go back to your houses and determine the damage. A repair team will be by shortly to fix everything."
We re-enter the house. Luckily, the only things that need repairs are the photographs and vases we place around the house. "Topaz, boys, go watch television in the sunroom," Dad says, taking Angel and Nemmy by the hand and leading them into the room that they share. "You girls have to go to bed." he says to them.
"But Daddy," Angel whines. "I wanna stay up with the big kids."
"Fine, Angel. Go inside." He then lifts Nemmy up and swims into the bedroom.
Me, the boys, and Angel are all snuggled up together on the couch. Mom and Dad are now talking in the Master Bedroom. Even though we're on opposite sides of the house, I can still make out a few words. "Too dangerous." I hear Dad say. "But where would they go?" Mom counters. I have no idea what they're talking about. I just know it can't be good.

Diary of a Mermaid
FantasyTopaz Rivera has a great life. She has loving parents, a cozy home, two fun brothers, three pet octopuses, and two adorable younger sisters. But when a neighbouring realm attacks, her parents decide to send Topaz and her siblings away to land. What...