chapter 8- secrets

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Alpha kanes p.o.v.

It's been a few weeks since I found my mate. Things are getting better. We have gotten more closer. But it's also getting harder to control my wolf to not mark and mate with her. She isnt ready yet. I am ready whenever she is ready.

We have gotten closer and closer with eachother and it feels amazing. She now let's me actually cuddle her and she doesnt seem so afraid of me anymore or even of my beta. She also has gotten closer to my beta and even though I can see that its more of a best friend or brotherly and sister way sometimes I can get a little bit possesive and growl at my beta and pull her more towards me. They are kind off getting use to me doing that now though. I think it's more so because I haven't marked and mated with her yet.

Also me and keaton have gotten real close these past few weeks. At first he was a little tense and wary around me but now when he sees me he runs up to me and gives me a hug. I feel like I'm at home. I love them both already but I haven't said that because I dont want to scare them off.

However I have been keeping a secret away from her. One thing that I know I should tell her but I didnt really know how to bring it up.

I have told the alpha of moonlight pack that if he doesnt give me his beta I will set a war on his entire pack. I dont care what anyone says NOONE and I mean NOONE gets away with treating my mate and my pup the way he did. And yes I said my pup. I told her I will treat him as my own and I will stick to my word. He is mine and so is cassie.

Now back to the real problem I'm not sure how to go about this with cassie. I have noticed that she can be stern and stubborn when she wants to be but she is also the most kindest person on this planet. I'm not sure how she will take to me wanting her father in my dungeon so I can torture and kill him. Bringing me out my I hear my phone ringing. Its moonlight pack.

"Hello this is the alpha of moonlight pack. I have seen your message of wanting my beta jude however he is no longer at my pack. When I found out what he did to his daughter and son I kicked him out the pack. That was a few days ago and we have heard nothing since. if there is anything I can do to help I will do whatever I can. "

" hello alpha of moonlight pack. I see when u say a few days ago you kicked him out how long is a few days. "

" I kicked him out 5 days ago. I'm truly sorry and I hope cassie can forgive me for not realising what was going on. I truly had no idea what was going on"

"I see. Well are you still wanting to do anything to help?"

"Yes I will do anything to help"

"Then i want you to send any information that you have about your beta over to me by email "

"I will do that right away alpha kane is that all?"

"That is all" and with that I ended call. I started thinking about how to tell her. I knew I had to but I was just worried how she would react. And I was worried it was gonna mess what we had now. I didnt want to go back to square one.i also need to fully introduce her to the pack but I don't want to pressure her.

I got up and went down the hallway to go find my angel. She was sat in the kitchen with keaton and jason.

She probably smelt me and sensed me because she looked straight up when I came in. She smiled a warm gentle smile at me. I also noticed how her eyes lit up when she seen me. I smiled right back at her and walked up to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and inhaled her smell.

"Kane, kane your back " I heard keaton say out of excitement. I told him not to call me alpha because even though he doesnt know it yet. He is basically my son.

"Hello little one. I am back but in wondering if I could borrow your sister a second"

"Okay that's fine see you both soon "

I walked down the hallway towards our bedroom with cassie, my arms where wrapped around her waist.

We walked into the bedroom and we sat down on the bed.

"So what did you want to talk to me about. I know its important because your tense. Are you okay?" She sounded a little worried.

"Well actually I do have something to talk to you about. I haven't told you because I was worried with how you are going to react. I have given an order out to look for your father. That asshole shouldnt even be wondering around anywhere and I want him in my dungeons. The more I thought about him the more i could feel my anger getting worse. I could feel my eyes switching between me and my wolf.

All a sudden I felt something touch my arms and sparks everywhere. I looked down and seen her rubbing my arm to calm me down. I pulled her on my lap and sniffed her neck to smell her scent to help even more to calm me down.

"What did you mean about him roaming around ? And I understand why you want him my love I hate him just as much as you do for what he has put keaton through it wasnt fair he is innocent.

What she said angered me a little. It's not just about what he put keaton through but her as well. She was also innocent. But I calmed myself because I know she doesnt see it that way. She is protecting who her and her wolf as well as myself and my wolf have claimed as our pup.

I grabbed her chin and looked deep in her eyes.

"You are also innocent in all this my love. And I mean it. I wish you could see it how everyone sees it and not how your father has drilled it in your head. What I meant about him roaming around was that the alpha of moonlight found out what he has done to you and Keaton and they kicked him out of the pack 5 days ago. Noone has seen him since. Noone knows where he is. I have people looking for him though. I know he is your father baby but I cant let him get away with what he has done to you and our pup.

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