chapter 2- mate?

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Cassie p.o.v.

I breathe in my little brothers calming scent to stop myself from thinking about what happened last night. I was to busy calming myself down that I didnt hear footsteps coming towards my bedroom door till it barged open.

I squeaked out of shock and keaton jumped up and screamed. I sat up wincing but the pain isnt as bad as last night. I grabbed keaton and put him as far away from my "father " as possible.
I started shaking thinking he wanted to beat me again and it scared me more because keaton was here and I didnt want him seeing any of that.

But what suprised me was that he never charged for me and he looked all dressed up and he looked at us both and with his cold icy voice he said

"Get changed and wear something nice and smart. You will both meet me at the pack house and you will keep your mouths shut at all times alpha kane from bloodlust pack is coming" and with that he walked out the room without another word and no beating.

My mouth was gaping at the door until keaton came up to me and with his shaky voice  said "who is alpha kane"

And that is when I really went pale. Alpha kane was known as the most ruthless alpha born and his pack was very well known for how strong they also are. To say I say I was even more scared was an understatement .

Even just thinking about his name sent shivers up my spine but for some reason It wasnt just fear but something else that made me shiver about his name. I just couldn't figure out what it was.

I slowly got up and found the nicest clothes me and keaton owned. I put them out on the bed. I bathed keaton and then took a shower for myself and got ready for the day ahead.

For some reason I felt calm but also nervous . I didnt understand why I felt like this but I did. My wolf was very quite and she seemed on edge I kept thinking something bad was gonna happen but she said she doesnt think its something bad.

Me and my wolf we really get on. When I'm feeling down she is always there for me. I love her so much. She is a white wolf. The only people that know about this is my little brother. He knows because he was there when I first ever shifted and damn it was painful.

Walking down the corridor I could smell this amazing smell that made me walk faster to see where it was coming from. It smelt of delicious chocolate and coffee. Sounds strange I know but I couldn't get enough of the smell. I could smell it all day long.

I could feel my wolf pacing in the back of my head, demanding me to follow that smell. So that is what I did. I followed the smell and I'm not sure what I was expecting but it wasnt this.

As i opened the door that the meeting was being held in I could feel everyones eyes on me which made me nervous . my eyes locked on these icy blue eyes and oh my gosh they was just the nicest eyes I have ever looked at.

I could hear my wolf in my head chanting something but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I was to hypnotized by his icy blue eyes.

I got brought out of my daze when I heard a loud possesive growl fill the room and all I heard was "MATE , MINE"

That's when I heard what my wolf was saying. Wait no no no no the alpha kane is my mate. Fear and dread that's all I could feel. I was terrified I wasnt sure if he would beat me. Or if he would reject me in front of all these people. But even just rejecting me in total it shattered my heart. As much as I knew he would reject me It still hurt me knowing noone would ever want me.

I always told my self for years now that if my mate doesnt want me (that is if I had one) then it's okay and I would let then reject me and I would move on and look after keaton. But looking at his handsome face for whatever reason I didnt want him to reject me and I'm not sure if the thought of him rejecting me or me not wanting him to reject me scared me more.

I stood frozen. I looked at my father across from me and he had a smirk on his face. Like he knew that either was this most likely wont end well for me. Alpha kane is known for being the most brutal and cruel alpha in the world. He knew that even if I didnt get rejected which I most likely would. I would just get beaten anyways. Him and his pack would manage to kill me in seconds.

I looked away from my father with tears in my eyes and when I look the other direction i come face to face with my mate. Fear is all I felt. I pushed keaton behind me scared for mine and Keaton's life I take a shaky breathe and was about to speak but before I had chance to I seen his hand lift towards my cheek.

I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the pain. What felt like hours which was mostly like only 2 minutes when I felt nothing I opened my eyes just to see him staring at me with a look of hurt and confusion in his eyes. Which made me confused. Maybe I'm reading his emotions wrong or something.

But then I felt his soft hand touch my cheek. I could feel sparks erupt on my cheek where he is touching and I couldn't help but lean in. I didnt realise I was crying till he wiped a tear away.

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