chapter 20- baby time

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Cassie p.o.v

Its been a week since we found out we are hving two baby alpha boys. We are so excited . We have started getting the twins nursery set. We painted the walls a baby blue with sticker clouds on the walls. On the other walls we painted a light gray with animal stickers on.

Right now i'm putting some clothes away for the babies. Alpha kane is setting up the last cot we need with beta jason. Keaton is at school and isabella is putting the other clothes away that go in wardrobe. We have 2 weeks left till the due date.

Alpha kane has been more possesive and keeping me close knowing that the babies could come any time.

Isabella and beta jason have started getting a lot closer. He watches her closer and even tho he has always been protective and possesive of her he is getting more wore. He needs to be by her a lot more and I think it's because his wolf is on edge with him still not have marked and mated with her. I'm suprised they lasted this long with out marking and mating.

I was just getting up from putting the last bit of clothes away when i yelped in pain. I have been getting a bit of pain once in a blue moon but just put It down to Braxton hicks which is basically your body getting ready for labour.

Alpha kanes p.o.v.

I was just putting the mattress in the cot for our babies when I heard a Yelp of pain coming from my very pregnant mate.

I jumped up and ran to her to see if she was okay. I knew she was pushing herself and I told her that she needed to relax more and we would do all of this but she was very persistent on helping out so I made sure she did something that wouldn't be to stressful. Or so I thought.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and a small possesive growl escaped my lips when isabella tried coming close to see if she was okay. I couldn't help it though she is carrying my pups and is closer to her due date I need to protect her from everything. I know isabella wouldn't hurt her but my possessiveness and protectiveness was out of control.

Isabella stepped back and beta Jason came up to her and wrapped his arms round her waist taking in her scent probably to not growl at me for growling at his mate but he knew growling at me would make me kill him because in protecting my mate and our pups.

Another whimper brought me out my thoughts and little growls at them as my mate whimpered in pain again.

"What's the matter my love" I asked her softly

"It hurts " she whimpered.

"Where are you in pain baby" I asked her worriedly.

"I think the teins are coming the contractions are getting worse I thought it was Bratton hicks  " she said with a soft whimper

"Let's get you to the pack doctor baby "

We grabbed the hospital bag and walked to the infirmary ir more like I carried her. All she kept doing was whimpering and it pained me knowing I couldn't do anything.

I walked into the infirmary when she growled out saying she feels she needs to push. A pack doctor rushed over to take her out my arms to help her but I snarled and growled loudly at her. She jumped out her skin and bowed her head in submission I hadn't even realised it but I let out my alpha dominance causing them to submit.

"Baby calm down they are just trying to help. "

But I growled not wanting to let her go


That made me quickly put her on the bed as quickly but carefully put her down and grabbed her hand. She screamed out in pain again.

The doctors got to the end of the bed and then checked to see if they could see baby.

Another scream erupted from the back of cassies throat which made me growl with distress not knowing how to help my mate.

"Okay luna you need to push everytime you get a contraction  I can see the babies head"


after 15 minutes of pushing the baby out we heard a cry of our first baby. They quickly sorted him out and put him straight to his mummy's chest. He whimpered but stopped crying. For the first time since my parents passed away I shed a tear. But not a tear of sadness but tear of joy.

Cassie moved her hands up and wiped my tear away and had a big smile of joy on her face. It soon got wiped of when her face scrunched up in pain. She passes my baby boy to me and cried out in pain again needing to push our baby B out.

I cradled my baby boy in my arms and hugged and cooed the shit out off him.


after 12 minutes of pushing our second baby boy came out. They put him on cassies chest and left the room silently whilst congratulating us.

For half and hour we all cuddled and cooed at our babies. I kissed her telling her how proud she has made me and how amazing she did and she cried more. We both shed some tears and laughter and it was honestly the best day of my life.

BABY A-  Looks exsflty like me. He has blue eyes and brown hair like me. He has cassies nose and my facial structure. He weighed 6lb 14oz

BABY B-  looks exactly like me as well but he has cassies eyes and nose. However he like baby A has my facial structure and my hair colour. He weighed 6lb5oz.

An hour later beta jason, isabella and keaton walked in with flowers, a card and two blue teddy bears.

Keaton sat down and I helped him hold the babies and we took some pictures.

Today was the best day off my life. !!

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