chapter 16- telling the alpha im pregnant.

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Cassie p.o.v.

" two lines- there are 2 lines your preg- pregnant"

I gasped. I felt like I was suffocating. So many thoughts and feeling ran through my body and mind. What will kane think? Will he be mad? Happy? Excited? Upset?

Me though? I felt nervous and anxious about telling kane but I felt happy. Thinking about a little version of me or kane running around with keaton it made a smile come to my face. I didnt realise how long I was lost in thought until I heard a bang and alpha kane barge in the bedroom and charge towards me.

I gasped not expecting him to be here and come into the room. I went to quickly hide the pregnancy test but it was to late he seen something in my hand but wasnt sure what it was yet.

He growled loudly at Isabella a warning growl at her. He was shaking in rage. That's when I realised he thinks she done something. I heard beta jason growl, I didnt even know he was here but he growled at alpha Kane to protect his mate. If it was in any other situation I would have acted all smug and smiled about it but right now is not the time.

I quickly stepped infront of isabella to stop alpha kane from charging at her. This made alpha kane growl louder not liking that I'm near her and protecting her when he thinks she is the one that has upset me.

"Baby you need to calm down. Isabella hasnt done anything."

"Then why is it that twice today your emotions have been everywhere including fear and panic!" He roared.

"I can explain that" I said nervously.

I looked at isabella for reassurance and she gave me an encouraging smile.

"Beta jason could you please take isabella home i would like to speak to alpha kane in private. "

"Of course luna"

Isabella and beta jason walked out the room leaving me alone with alpha kane. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I kept fidgeting on my feet which eventually started driving kane mad especially because I hadn't said a word.

"You need to tell me what is going on love this is twice I felt your emotions being wild today!"

"I know my love in sorry i just i dont even know where to start."

"Start from the beginning love"

"Okay but please dont interrupt. And let me finish all of it first. "

"Okay love"

"Okay so remember this morning when I wanted breakfast and I made it but I couldn't finish it ? Well anyways when we went down to see isabella I was comforting her because she was sad. I started feeling sick but I ignored it because my best friend needed me. Anyways I couldn't ignore it any longer as I could feel the sick coming up so I erm was sick in her toilet. She helped get me cleaned up and erm well she said I cleared my throat she asked if we had ever used protection whilst having sex and erm well was haven't so I said no. She said maybe I'm pregnant. It all started to make sense because I have a few symptoms like cravings, boobs are sore I have weird craving and so on. Anyways I started panicking before because I was scared not only for being pregnant but I wasnt sure how you would react. Then you came and then left and on my way down to our home we went to the doctors to get a test. We came home baked the cake and then I took the test. I-well -erm I'm pregnant.

I pulled out the test and put it on the table. I looked at him waiting for him to say something. I was getting more and more nervous. He didnt say anything. He was just staring at me then the test processing it. I started getting more anxious and worried as I felt I was sat there for hours which would have only been a few minutes.

"Please say something your scaring me"

"Pregnant - your pregnant? With my pup. We are going to have a baby. A pup? "

I nodded my head anxious I wasnt sure how I was feeling I tried checking but he had shut his emotions off and put the wall up.
That made me feel worse.

Tears came to my eyes. Why would he block me out, he never blocks me out. It is honestly so rare he blocks me out.

"If - if you dont want anything to do with my pup then I wont force you but I will not be getting rid of-" I didnt get chance to finish as an angry growl ripped from his throat.

He came up to me picked me up and slammed me to the wall but not enough to hurt me or the baby. He slammed his lips on me to shut me up.

"We are having a baby! I'm so excited baby If you ever say anything so ridiculous about me not wanting our baby i will punish you ! You are mine Keaton is mine and that baby in your stomach is mine" ! He said possesivly.

" you mean your happy we are having a pup? Your not mad or thinking it's to early?"

"Mad? How could I be mad baby I have wanted to put a pup inside you the second I laid eyes on you."

Before I could even answer he possesivly kissed me on the lips. From there we made love time after time. Beta jason had taken keaton with him to give us privacy and they took the cupcakes with them and left us with a few. I had asked kane why he shut me out of his emotions and he said because he couldn't keep up with his own he wasnt sure how to even process what I told him.

I have never felt so happy.

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