chapter 24 - epilogue

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Epilogue  14 years later.

Cassie p.o.v.

I cant believe how time flies. Just over 14 years ago I had my twins. They grow up so fast. Keaton is 19 years old and has found his mate. The twins will be finding theres in a few more years.

All together we have 4 children. Yes that's right 4. We had one more after the twins. Our daughter who is 1 year younger then the twins. She is 13 years old now. The twins and  Keaton are very protective over her and her dad alpha kane is also super over protective. I feel sorry for her mate because when he comes along he gonna find it hard to have her.

Our daughter Skylar is 1 year younger then the twins. It was at the night of the cabin when we ended up making her. Even though she came as a surprise we was really happy when we found out.


It's been 2 weeks since we came back from our night at the cabin. I have realised 2 things today.

1. We forgot to use protection...

2. I have pregnancy symptoms.

I need to take a test but this time I want to do it with alpha kane. I want him to be apart of finding out and if I'm not then we still have time to have another baby in the future. However we haven't spoken about when it is we want more children so I'm not sure how he will react.

I walked down to his office and knocked on before walking in.

"Hey angel "

"Hi love, erm I was actually just wondering If we could talk please... its.important. "

"Yes or course"

Beta jason left the room as I went and sat on alpha kanes lap.

"What's got you so nervous my love" he asked me softly.

"I think in pregnant " I blurted out.

"I thought the same thing baby. Want to go and get a test to check"

"Wait you think I'm pregnant to? Why didnt you say anything? Why do u seem so calm?"

" because I wasnt fully sure that you had a feeling you was and I didnt know how to say it baby. And I'm calm because if you are then good and if not then we will try again baby. That of course is if you want one."

"Yes baby I want one. I wasnt sure you was but I dont want anymore this will be our last one if I am actually pregnant."

"Okay my love let go get a test "

We got a test and went home. We was sat on the bath tub waiting patiently for any lines to show up. I was nervous  and I could tell kane was to.

All of a sudden kane jumped up and spun me around. He slammed his lips onto me and said "

"congratulations my love we are having another baby. "

There on the test was 2 pink lines.


So that is how we ended up with 4 children.

Keaton has found his mate now and lives with his mate which is in a different pack.

The twins are of course yet to find there mate as they still a little to young. They are 14 and you can only find your mate at 18 which also doesnt necessarily mean they will find there mate straight away.

Then there is Skylar who is 13. She is amazing. She looks like me but has her dads hair and eyes. She is very beautiful. The twins are always protecting her from any boys and it makes me giggle and alpha kane proud that they do this.

She acts as if she gets mad at them but we all know it brings her comfort knowing her brothers are there with her. They are very close. Keaton of course was close to them and still is but of course he has found his mate now and lives there so he just face times them a lot now.

Alpha kane loves all of his kids a lot. He is a lot more softer with Skylar then on the twins. He is a little tougher with the twins then with skylar but they dont mind and understand it as they are going to be alphas. He still shows them love all the time and still tells them he loves them. He just trains them a lot more harder when they do fighting training.

Then there is myself and alpha kane. We are doing amazing ! We got married a few years ago and it was the best wedding I could ever ask for.
We have become closer then ever and i just love him so much.

Right now I'm watching as the twins and beta jason son who is a few months younger then the twins  chase after cassie  and beta Jason's daughter while squealing and laughing.

Beta jason son picks a squealing skylar up and spins her around. He is the only one that the twins will let near her and touch her. I think there is a chance they could be mates but I'm not fully sure. I would also never say that out loud because for one I dont want to get skylar or beta Jason son Hope's up if they do like eachother just for them to not be mates and two I dont want the twins, keaton or alpha kane to hear it or they wont let them play together anymore. However me and isabella talk about it often when we know noone is around.

I am honestly the luckiest women in the world I have the perfect little family and amazing kids and the bestest of friend Isabella. We have an amazing strong pack. And I have an amazing husband /mate.

It's crazy to think that around 15 years ago I was getting abused by my so called father and was trying to protect keaton for me to bump into my mate and my life change for the better. I always thought when I find my mate if I had one that it would be a nightmare but it wasnt. It was the best thing that ever happened to me.

This is my story of how my alpha mate saved me.


Authors note

Thank you for reading this book. I hope you all enjoyed. This was my first ever book and I really enjoyed writing it. I cant believe it is over already.

But it doesnt stop there. If you want to read more werewolf books from me then follow my page.

I will be writing more books on werewolf but I also want to write books in the future of mafia books and more.

There are going to be other books that I write following this book. The next book I will be doing is from beta jason and isabella so follow to look out for that book which will ne coming very very soon.

I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading. For those of you who follow me or start to follow me thank you and i hope you enjoy all the other books i write.

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