chapter 19- gender reveal.

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Cassie p.o.v.

I am now officially 2 and a half months pregnant. I'm in the shower getting ready for our scan to see the baby and make sure that he or she is healthy. We also get to find the gender out. I'm excited to see the baby but I'm also nervous.

I'm nervous because I'm scared something will be wrong but I'm excited because well who wouldn't be to see there baby.

I just put my clothes on when alpha kane walked in.

"You excited beautiful "

"I am baby, are you"

"I am but I'm also nervous to. "

All a sudden I burst into tears. Stupid hormones. I dont even know why I'm crying.

" baby what's wrong why you crying" he said panicked.

"I'm sorry baby I dont know why I'm crying I just feel so many emotions and I cant even keep up. I'm so excited but I'm scared to. I'm really scared im not gonna be a good mother."

" you will be amazing mummy I know you will baby you already are to keaton. Your amazing and caring and you will always have me by your side baby. "

"Thank you baby, I feel more relaxed now that I let it out. I LOVE YOU"

"I love you to angel, now let's go see our baby"

We walked through the infirmary and sat down waiting. The longer we waited the more anxious I was getting and I know alpha kane was picking up on my emotions but I also know the he is feeling a little anxious and nervous to which is getting him agitated.

What felt like hours which was just about 10 minutes the doctor finally came put ready for us.

"Good morning luna and alpha are you ready to see your baby"

"Good morning doc. (Her nickname) yes we are ready I'm nervous though. " I replied softly.

" everything will be alright I'm sure of it. If you could just lay down there please and lift up your top and I'm just gonna put some gel on it. It may be a little cold at first "

I layed down and lifted my top. She put the gel on and I flinched from the coldness.

When all of a sudden I heard a heartbeat. My breathing hitched when I looked up and seen my baby... or should I say babies ! There on the screen was two little babies and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Congratulations alpha and luna you are having twins. "

"What-how- omg" I couldn't even get words out with how shocked I was.

Worried about how alpha kane felt I slowly and nervously looked at him just to see a big smile on his face... looking smug.

"I knew my sperm was good but damnnnn not that good " he said smugly.

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