chapter 10- marked and mated.

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Alpha kanes p.o.v.
Sexual content ahead

"Mark me"

I did not expect her to say those words. It excited me and made me nervous. Not nervous because I didnt want it and wasnt sure if i wanted it because i 1 million percent wanted it. I was worried she would regret it.

" is this what you want? I need you to be sure about it because once I mark and mate you there is no going back from it. "

"D do you not want to mark and mate me?" The sadness in her eyes and the pain in her voice broke me. I didnt even mean it like that I just wanted her to be sure

"Of course I want to mark and mate you I wanted it from the start but I knew you wasnt ready then I just want you to be sure your ready now"

"I am ready now my love otherwise I wouldn't ask you to mark me I'm ready for all of it when you are. I want all of you. I am a little nervous though because this is my first time I have never done anything like this. Have you erm yano have you done this before? The sex I mean. She blushed and bit her lip a little nervous about his answer.

"No my love I have never had sex before i wanted to wait for my mate. And I'm glad you waited to" he said with a soft possesive growl.

" I want all of you alpha "

Her just saying that made my junior stand up tall and demanding to be realised. I growled approvingly and slammed my lips on hers. She moaned which gave me chance to put my tongue in her mouth and explore. This kiss was more aggressive and needy.

He started kissing and sucking on her neck. She moaned louder and he growled which made her more wet. He started to take her clothes of but looked at her for permission. With a nod from her that's all he needed for him to RIP her top off her. He groaned whilst looking at her delicious looking body.

I started kissing nearer and nearer to her boobs. I gently squeezed one of her boobs and started kissing her other. I started sucking on her nipple and leaving love bites on her boob. Then i started giving attention to the other boob doing the same to that one.

I kissed further and further down until he got to her pants. I looked at her having silent permission to take them off with a nod i removes them and her thongs. Her vagina is dripping wet and it makes me lick my lips. I groans needing a taste. I start kissing up her legs until i gets near her folds. I do one little lick and groan while she moans.

"You taste so good angel" i groans out.

The response I get is a bigger moan as I start licking her even more.

Cassie p.o.v.

He licks my cliterus and I moan even loader. It feels so good I cant imagine what it will be like when he is inside me just the thought of that makes me more wet.

I move him away from me and get on my knees. I crawl towards and and look at him for permission to take his pants and underwear off. He groans and with a nod I help take them off.

My eyes bulge out when I see how big he is. I'm not even sure that's gonna be able to fit inside me. He must have seen my panicked eyes because said.

"Dont worry baby your designed for me I will fit inside you "

I gulped but nodded anyways because I trust him. I really do trust him. I put my hand on his penis and started rubbing it up and down. He groaned and fuck did it sound so good.

I moved closer so that his big dick was near my mouth and I slowly licked his tip he groaned again and I moaned. Slowly I put him more and more in my mouth. I moaned whilst having his penis in my mouth which made him growl in approval I started bobbing and licking his length and he groaned.

All a sudden he flipped me so I was on the bed laying on my back. I squealed not expecting it. He slammed his lips on mine and kissed me more aggressively. He dominated the kiss which turned me on even more. I could feel his length rubbing near my clitures which which made me lift my hips to get more friction.

He looked in my eyes most likely to see if there was any hesitation but there wouldn't be any.

"Please alpha I need you" I moaned out which made him growl and loose any patience he had left.

He started rubbing his length on my wetness and then lined his big dick near my entrance. He started pushing in and I groaned out of discomfort and pleasure. Tears started coming to my eyes because it hurt. He stiffened and stopped moving and wiped my tears away. He went to move out of me but grabbed him and shook my head I wanted him to keep going I didnt want him to stop.

After what felt like forever he pushed a little more in and I moaned. At first he slowly kept going in and out of me and then he started getting faster. We was moaning and groaning and fuck it felt so good.

I started moaning his name which made him go faster and slam into me more. I felt like I was seeing stars. It felt amazing I could do it all night. He started groaning and grunting. We was coming close to cumming I could feel it.

He started kissing my neck and I moaned. I could feel his canines coming out ready to mark me which made me squeeze round he length more. It excited me. He started going faster and faster which made me moan so loud. I moaned and he groaned and then with one last slam we both cummed at same time and he sank his teeth into me marking me as his. I screamed out of pain and pleasure.

We did it over and over again all night. I marked him as mine and he marked me as his. I could feel all his emotions. Love, happiness and so much more just like he could feel all mine.

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